Recent content by kcwildman

  1. kcwildman

    Something Bigger Than Us?

    Ah my old friend the question of the ages if this is it whats the piont yeah I never could go with the evo. bs either one poss. we are spirit/energy in a body of flesh now. however spirit/energy is niether created or destroyed only transformed . our higher self or assened consciousness is...
  2. kcwildman

    I go with they will twist it bass ackwards five ways to sunday... grandpa told me history is...

    I go with they will twist it bass ackwards five ways to sunday... grandpa told me history is written by the victor... right now the liers seem to be winning:(:(
  3. kcwildman

    Bird Flu and Food Control

    lets see now we got mad cow in the cows,, and the same thing in the dear only they call it chronic wasting,, bird flu in the poultry nah I don't think there gonna stop.. ever.. :(:( oh PS forgot about the damn swine flu to :eek:
  4. kcwildman

    I guess so, some is better than none I was kinda hoping for the whole Vulcan shuttle landing...

    I guess so, some is better than none I was kinda hoping for the whole Vulcan shuttle landing in central park complete with Spock saying take me to your leader. all on the news at 6 + 10 pm.
  5. kcwildman

    well that was a big shit show. no earth quakes, no typhons, no planet x, no volcanoes, E.T. not...

    well that was a big shit show. no earth quakes, no typhons, no planet x, no volcanoes, E.T. not yet, the devil comet, ha ha nothin , oh well martha get me another beer. i'll put the DiGiorno's in... what the hell is the cowboy movie tonight??
  6. kcwildman

    Time Travel and Environmental Conservation

    it would appear that these folks are hard at it to do just that with a wooly mammoth More than 10,000 years have passed since woolly mammoths roamed the planet, and a group of scientists wants to use gene editing technology to resurrect the long-lost creatures. A start-up named Colossal...
  7. kcwildman

    Dune 2

    have tried to watch it twice now and only made it to the half way point before being called off for other shit what I have seen is just as good as the original .... well worth the time to watch...(y):cool::cool:
  8. kcwildman

    🎲 Forum Game The Word Association

  9. kcwildman

    after a complete exam it has been decided that I am no longer aloud to talk to anyone about...

    after a complete exam it has been decided that I am no longer aloud to talk to anyone about anything at any time it was discovered that I am crude rude and socially unacceptable this decision is finale with no appeals ever
  10. kcwildman


    Ran across this on one of what I call (a meat head site) not too sure I can agree with everything however did find it thought provoking. not sure if this will work but heres the vid...
  11. kcwildman

    yeah and the date changes every time it's always good for a quick grin....

    yeah and the date changes every time it's always good for a quick grin....
  12. kcwildman

    A.I Threat or not

    agreed the tech is most surely here now to fake an alien arrival/attack, and that my dear Watson would be a perfect excuse to have everyone to be DNA tested and marked as human. hummmmmm very interesting MR. Holmes.. no mark no buy, no sell, no nothing you'll be an outcast!!!
