Recent content by Secretman3811

  1. Secretman3811

    BT3 Frequency Monitoring System Engineering

    We need to hire Einstein for this work but I guess not so it going to cost u like 1 dollar for a job on this product nay never mind hehe
  2. Secretman3811

    New Paranormalis Merch Store

    How about plans of Steven Gibbs book but just for research in it and sell them that way people who looking for it
  3. Secretman3811

    Fiction Pandora’s War

    Is a joke or real must be fiction? Oh well
  4. Secretman3811

    I had a recent experience with psychic abilities and need information

    Here a another way brainwave sound so what do u think of that? Have u try that before?
  5. Secretman3811

    I had a recent experience with psychic abilities and need information

    Same here but I want to do astral projection but you have to be careful if there other astral spirit a evil one or good one also I think that remote viewing could be letting you know where u heading to but I could be wrong
  6. Secretman3811

    found a portal 49.391221, 25.438990

    Write a book tron please tron we all like to heard a story about u
  7. Secretman3811

    Schematic T.E.C. Flux Capacitor

    Your welcome you got that information from me as secret so now you meet your doom Darth Vader nay I just kidding with u it a boring website.,..
  8. Secretman3811

    found a portal 49.391221, 25.438990

    Just can't wait for tron to write a book about your experience for using the hdr unit
  9. Secretman3811

    I will be producing the Timenomore 6-dial HDR

    Ok I want to know if u use it with Tesla coil and that tune with it using the device peace
  10. Secretman3811

    Preview of Civil War.

    What I think is this NWO verse people so maybe some true it could happen
  11. Secretman3811

    I will be producing the Timenomore 6-dial HDR

    What if one of the chakra is out of tune how do u know that if it is out of tune write back anybody
  12. Secretman3811

    Message from an Alien Army

    You met a alien?? Tell me about it
  13. Secretman3811

    I can send thoughts, sounds and images of mine back in time

    Telepathy yes but don't do telepathy on Slenderman because one time he telepathy and after me but I think the angel stop the Slenderman from going to get me so telepathy on ET and ask for knowledge
  14. Secretman3811

    Where do they go? (Ghosts)

    I remember when I was young I saw a orange. Ghost but that was long time ago i remember that maybe in the dream world not to sure
  15. Secretman3811

    Our secret Time Machine.

    I think that he should buy a used computer from eBay and then use it and that way he is in a safe low profile from getting caught from dark web but it to dangerous because of crime there and vampire all those secret stuff and mob and NWO possible
