Anyone else experience this kind of stuff?


Junior Member
Since 2012 or 2013 (according to my pictures it's been since 2013 but my memories tell me it 2012 so idk) my time loss or time scrambles happen quiet often....

Along with experiences of programs or videos that my husband and children are listening to repeat 2-3 sentences usually once sometimes twice...

I am also pretty positive that I am not from here... yes I know it sounds crazy but it's true... Lots of things have been very different lately... also almost all of the Mandella Effect video tests to see if you remember it one way or the other... I fail all of them... I almost always remember them the wrong way... Or not either of the ways they are showing...

If anyone else has experienced the same thing or similar let me know... Also before anyone asks, no types of drugs (at the time ) or meditation techniques were used... I have been now meditating looking for answers or proof or something to help me understand what I am experiencing... After listening to reddit videos I don't think I am the only one...

So if you feel like your not from here it would be awesome to hear some of your experiences.... I plan on posting a couple of my most weird unexplainable happenings so if your interested keep your eyes open for them... It would be amazing to chat with someone else that remembers shit the same way I do... Ya know like the Bernstein bears... Not Stain... I'll be posting one about these guys... There is absolutely no way it has always been stain and not stein...

Cuz I mean seriously...

If what I remember never happened... What was I really doing at the time when I don't have the correct memories? Ya know what I mean... Who the duck am I if all my memories are wrong??? And where in the hell did my correct memories go???


Senior Member
1. Along with experiences of programs or videos that my husband and children are listening to repeat 2-3 sentences usually once sometimes twice...

2. I am also pretty positive that I am not from here... yes I know it sounds crazy but it's true... Lots of things have been very different lately... also almost all of the Mandella Effect video tests to see if you remember it one way or the other...

3. If anyone else has experienced the same thing or similar let me know... Also before anyone asks, no types of drugs (at the time ) or meditation techniques were used... I have been now meditating looking for answers or proof or something to help me understand what I am experiencing... After listening to reddit videos I don't think I am the only one...

4. So if you feel like your not from here it would be awesome to hear some of your experiences....

Cuz I mean seriously...

5. If what I remember never happened... What was I really doing at the time when I don't have the correct memories? Ya know what I mean... Who the duck am I if all my memories are wrong??? And where in the hell did my correct memories go???

As per-cued answers for;
1. This is repeated time. Happens a lot with aliens people, as their psyche has the ability to do this. Also to effect time and space around an object.

2.A lot of us aren't including yours's truly. You just have to make your path as you get through things every day.

3.With me it was not fun. First I remembered Atlantis and the fu*ks that ran the latter part of that civilization. When I had seen the movie The Lost Continent Of Atlantis, I got horrible guilt pangs, when they were doing genetic alterations on the captive slaves. I wanted to go back there because it was beautiful and familiar, but the rot at the top of things was not worth it.

Also the same thing with Star Wars as I remembered the Emperor and yes he had a definite case of B.O.

5. I'm still going through this because of the Pleiadean landing at the Billy Meier farmstead in Switzerland, but I figured it out that all that was, was glorified door to door Tupperware sales and not much after that. Oh yeah, you get something in return, but only after they fish your life's moral experiences wallet out of your back pocket.

I recommend if there's a registry of star people, which is technically a new ethnicity in many countries, that you look them up and have a chat. Some are stable, while others,..? You have to feel them out. *I put part alien or ethnic division of Star children/ adults on my last census. In Elizabeth Kaire's experiences, the Union Of South Africa awarded her a medal. But in the states, all one gets is harassment. indigo crystal and star children - Bing

Oops' shooting the bull, I almost forgot. Your memory loss might either be cyclic, or possibly radionics. Radionics, or machine operated memory erasure is illegal and they can throw you in jail for that. So I don't know? Nice talking to you, hope that you find your way.

Read this, it'll blow your mind.

walt willis

Senior Member
I think that aliens can and do copy some of us and take us outside of our time and then return us home again.
This technology is beyond human understanding.
It may be best to not worry about this subject and just go on with life?


Senior Member
Since 2012 or 2013 (according to my pictures it's been since 2013 but my memories tell me it 2012 so idk) my time loss or time scrambles happen quiet often....

Along with experiences of programs or videos that my husband and children are listening to repeat 2-3 sentences usually once sometimes twice...

I am also pretty positive that I am not from here... yes I know it sounds crazy but it's true... Lots of things have been very different lately... also almost all of the Mandella Effect video tests to see if you remember it one way or the other... I fail all of them... I almost always remember them the wrong way... Or not either of the ways they are showing...

If anyone else has experienced the same thing or similar let me know... Also before anyone asks, no types of drugs (at the time ) or meditation techniques were used... I have been now meditating looking for answers or proof or something to help me understand what I am experiencing... After listening to reddit videos I don't think I am the only one...

So if you feel like your not from here it would be awesome to hear some of your experiences.... I plan on posting a couple of my most weird unexplainable happenings so if your interested keep your eyes open for them... It would be amazing to chat with someone else that remembers shit the same way I do... Ya know like the Bernstein bears... Not Stain... I'll be posting one about these guys... There is absolutely no way it has always been stain and not stein...

Cuz I mean seriously...

If what I remember never happened... What was I really doing at the time when I don't have the correct memories? Ya know what I mean... Who the duck am I if all my memories are wrong??? And where in the hell did my correct memories go???
The oddest thing and I hope to brighten your day, that's happened to me, is that I was in the local post office. As I went in the door, there was a little Pomeranian dogs, that with with a postal patron, that greeted me. Not supposed to have dogs in the post office, but these little fuzz balls are like a part of a person, so what the hey?

I got my business taken care of and was going out the door, till a voice in my head said, "You now have the complete dog language uploaded into you. You will understand dog's language the same as you understand a human talking".

The feeling in my head, was kind of like a rapid information download, there was this mild blip near the end of the information take.

As I was going out, the little dog was there and it seemed to right away know I knew it's language. So it said something like, "I'm here with my master, feel good how are you"? And I replied, "I'm doing fine"; but it was kind of like a person to dog esp.

Really strange, but immensely funny at the same time

I feel that we as a society are enjoying the Dog God time of association. A while back in the 1970s, the then counter culture comic books, said on the back of one of it's comic book covers, that indeed dog spelled backwards is god. So all the stuff that one sees on the web, Facebook, Reddit etc, is maybe a holy happening?

They really are our best friends when you look the question of the relationship over.
