At Last Common Sense Prevails, British Olympian Sports BANS Trans Athletes From Competing In REAL Female Sports!!!


Senior Member
No doubt all those lunatic left wing tranny activists will be in meltdown after reading this, and will be racing to the nearest psychogists and grief councellors to help them from having complete mental breakdowns!!...Let the trans athletes compete against each other, that would be very fair :LOL:..



Senior Member
If a heavyweight boxing champion who went to prison for killing opponents with explosive fists, suddenly feels like a kid inside after eating icecream, will PC people let him fight in junior boxing for ten year olds?

alpha centauri

Active Member
No doubt all those lunatic left wing tranny activists will be in meltdown after reading this, and will be racing to the nearest psychogists and grief councellors to help them from having complete mental breakdowns!!...Let the trans athletes compete against each other, that would be very fair :LOL:..

As I said in another thread, that transmen already dont win anything, because the whole system is not a fair. And they did not complain about that part in the reporting for transrights.

I was glad as I heard that a women that was good at a specific sport transitioned into a man because I thought he would win anything in the male part of the sport. But he admited after transitioning that he had no chance of competing now, but continued the sport because he loved it.

They can let them partake with a huge malus like the transmen and nobody complains.

The reporting of the media is often structured in a way to demonize a specific part of the population. Both the reporting of the left media and the reporting of the right media.

alpha centauri

Active Member
No doubt all those lunatic left wing tranny activists will be in meltdown after reading this, and will be racing to the nearest psychogists and grief councellors to help them from having complete mental breakdowns!!...Let the trans athletes compete against each other, that would be very fair :LOL:..

In my opinion, the main problem is that you do not know, if they do it for personal gains or if they really see themselves as trans.

There are even more people that claim to be transgender, if this result in an advantage:

The articles have an automatic translation into English if you click them:

A person from Switzerland claims to be transgender to get earlier pension:

Or people in Mexico claim to be trans to get on electorial lists:

The people that claim that people that misuse the system do not exist are pretty naive.
