Diversity Equity and Inclusion another grasp into the water closet?

Diversity Equity and Inclusion another grasp into the water closet?

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alpha centauri

Active Member
I stumbled upon a new left concept that is not really elaborate. It is called DEI or Diversity Equity and Inclusion. It is usually interpreted that if not every group earns the same there will be discrimination and if not every group is equally represented in a group there is an unconscious bias.

First the inclusion they mean is more a separation into different group instead of real inclusion where the separation does not exist anymore. If you are inclusive you dont accentuate the difference all of the time to get privileges if you are a so-called victimized group and you see the unity in all people what they do not do, they treat people differently like in a class system with different values. That is not a positive system that is a negative system. Separation is part of the negative path spiritually and unity is part of the postive path.

There are the different words explained.


CRT is the other one where they introduce a racist/sexist caste system where one group can bully the other group and is not punished and celebrate for their bullying.

Second Equity does not solve racism which is probably their goal. Otherwise there would not have been racism in East GErmany where they earned all the same. You can earn less on average and be racist and discriminate against a group like the Nazis against the Jews. Or you can earn more than a group and discriminate against this group or you earn the same and you can have still racism. They dont seem to know what racism even is. And that money has nothing to do with it.

Third Diversity: You dont need diversity if you want to solve discrimination. Discrimination is not representation. If the representative have biases they discriminate according to their biases. This is done no matter if the group is diverse or not. You should rather abolish your biases instead of striving for group that are diverse because the two things are not correlated. Communism regimes also have diverse governments and the governments are usually more authoritarian and oppressing than Western governments.

If every group has biases against other groups, You will have just different groups in power that discriminate against all the other groups instead of a leadership without discrimination. If you have people without biases in leadership positions, they will not discriminate against anybody. And a biasless approach can be taught through spiritual training. So to become without biases is the goal and not put diverse people with biases in leadership position.

Furthermore if you accentuate the differences and advertise the pride to be a specific group (which is basically superiority) and you make whole life center around the difference instead of the commonalities. Thereefore you will increase the separation.

In addition to this they only want diversity if this benefits their group they dont want diversity when it comes to political parties. Otherwise they would strive to have a proportional representation of every political party in addition to every other group.

Furthermore the Covid restriction are targeted disproportionally Black people and poor people and they did not complain about diversity, equity and inclusion in this topic. So they only want diversity and equity and inclusion if this benefits them.

Another point is iif you look to the USA if you want equal representation of Black people. You have to represent nearly all Black people in the Democratic party. So they have to have double the percentage of Black people in congress than the percentage of the population. Because 90 % of the voters (nearly all Black people ) vote their party. But they only care about the exact representation, which is basically still discrimination if you view it their way.

Usually the parties have a specific membership. Different groups are over -or underrepresented. Women are less in political party than men. If you want fair representation in government and dont discriminate against a group. You have to look at the members. because the representatives are chosen among the party members and not the population. If you want 50% -50% representation a women has a better chance to be elected than a man. So you discriminate against men if you assume that everybody is equally qualified.

What are your opinions?


Senior Member
Most people who are discriminated can laugh off a racist's comment and move on by being used to it, but when they don't get into the good job or education because of it, that actually affects them financially and socially. Some may commit suicide as a consequence.

If one group is overrepresented, that can be reflected in the number of qualified applicants from each group. It's okay to only have male mechanics if only males took the education and applied to the job.

If you however had 90% applicants with relevant master degrees or higher from India, but 100% of everyone approved was white with only a highschool education, then something is very wrong.

Including people from all groups will probably not be neither fair nor entirely based on merits. But the underprivileged have a shorter resumé due to a dominoe effect, so it is a long term investment in society to break the cycle of privileges, so that future generations won't have to look at anything else than the merits and still have a fair mix of people from different backgrounds. Having one part of society that does not get a chance to contribute is very costly.

My own company was all male in the board of directors, because I simply did not know any woman in the industry with previous experience of running a company who could help me. That felt bad, but there was nothing we could do about the dominoe effect once set in motion.

Ethical investors are trying to break the cycle by investing in female upstarts, which is a good thing financially when demand for understanding female customers has not been saturated.
