I have telepathy


Hi. I am one of 16 people on the planet to have telepathy. I can hear other countries plotting against ours. I don't know who to contact. Like the FBI or CIA? I need an email address. Or should I just be unpatriotic? Thanks, Angela

steven chiverton

Senior Member
we have people who can find out better they are called remote viewers so dream on half of what goes through peoples minds are not there own thoughts they are mind induced through mind control experiments and more Putin's war the far sight institute of remote viewers say his influenced by extraterrestrials and some evil aliens have there own agendas to and some things induced into your mind is from them so mind induced deception is being used alot


we have people who can find out better they are called remote viewers so dream on half of what goes through peoples minds are not there own thoughts they are mind induced through mind control experiments and more Putin's war the far sight institute of remote viewers say his influenced by extraterrestrials and some evil aliens have there own agendas to and some things induced into your mind is from them so mind induced deception is being used alot
Thank you. I spoke to Putin in tongues and removed all the alien evil from him. Thank you for the valuable information. Take care
