My friend; The Vampire


New Member
Re: My friend; The Vampire

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Keroscene\")</div>
Look at the times when Toxic Revival and Adrian were both last active. ?One minute apart. ?Freaky.[/b]

What an amazing coincidense ;)


New Member
Re: My friend; The Vampire

First of all maggot you aren't aiding the conversation in any which way. You are insulting the person verbally and calling him names because you won't let go of the sterotype which you yourself have of vampires. Would it kill you to be a little open-minded? Second of all you say vampires and other such things are evil and satanic but you have nothing to prove this. If you want to prove Adrian is a hoax stop calling him names, and put together some information which will actually make your arguement credible instead of just calling him stupid.

He hasn't insulted you in any which way to provoke insults, you aren't forced to believe him or read this thread, quit making this atmosphere hostile and allow the community to continue with their questions. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"\"Keroscene\"\")</div>
Look at the times when Toxic Revival and Adrian were both last active. One minute apart. Freaky.[/b]
Well they are using the same computer, maybe toxic was logged in then adrian read something he wished to respond to and made toxic log out and logged in himself.


Junior Member
Re: My friend; The Vampire


Maggot, you've been place in the moderated usergroup. For the next couple weeks I think I ought to approve your posts before they get displayed publically since you can't seem to get along with the rest of us.

I already gave you a warning once before... We will not tolerate rudeness here.



New Member
Re: My friend; The Vampire

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Maggot7\")</div>
Dude stop getting butt hurt that crap about vampires aren't myths Trust me boy I know pure evil I've had encounters with the devil himself boy I've seen things u couldn't even imagine things that would send a dark cold chill through your spine and make your bones rattle I've summoned demons trust me they are EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL and they will always be evil I know this stuff I used to be into the black arts some thing you wouldn't want to mess with or you'll find your self face 2 face with pure evil my friend I bet u if adrian came face 2 face with pure evil or a real vampire he would crap his pants and dude relax spit some slang back your just sitting there complaining spit something back at me but I'm warning you u don't want to piss me off[/b]

Or, your a 10 year old boy who likes to talk smack on the internet... Not saying I believe, or disbelieve the stories in this thread. What I do believe is that you are the most idiotic poster i've seen on any forum i've ever been on, regarding any subject whatsoever... I don't know the "rules" here, but it astounds me that the word "banned" isn't displayed under your name.


Senior Member
Re: My friend; The Vampire

I want to apologize to everyone for Maggot's behaviour. The offensive posts have been removed and he's been placed in a moderated usergroup. If you cannot behave in a polite manner and express your feelings of belief of disbelief without getting offensive, then there is no place for you here and I implore you to seek another forum if you feel the need to act rudely to our members.

Everyone: Please be aware that there is a "report this post" button above every post on this site. If you see something offensive, do not hesitate to make the staff aware of it.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


New Member
Re: My friend; The Vampire

Hi Adrian, just (another) quick question on your origins. Do you know your parents? As a half vampire, was one of them a full vampire or were they two half-vamps themselves? Do you know anything of your grandparents on the vampiric side?


Junior Member
Re: My friend; The Vampire

It has been a while since I have last posted, I apolagize for this. I have been extremely busy lately regarding the research of a supposade top secret organization that is interested in Toxic's unique abilities. Turns out its a scam to get him to buy a book. Anything that mentions Toxics abilities and claims to know him must be sought out and studied for his safety.

I also am working odd hours lately that fall opposite to Toxics schedule. However I have recently ordered a computer from AlienWare (if im going to buy a computer might as well purchase the best on the market.).

Hi Adrian, just (another) quick question on your origins. Do you know your parents? As a half vampire, was one of them a full vampire or were they two half-vamps themselves? Do you know anything of your grandparents on the vampiric side?[/b]

Do I know my parents? I know who my mother is but have yet to find out who my father is or if he is even still alive. Questions regarding my family life prior to the deaths will be ignored as I dislike talking about it.
I assume, knowing my mother was not a vampire that my father must have been a vampire/dhampire. I know nothing of my Vampiric bloodline regarding my family. Others of my race seem hesitant to talk about it, but soon I and Toxic upon his return from a recent experiment will be approaching some of them and demanding information. I am sure with Toxic I am more than a match for any of them if they decide to get lippy.

Speaking of lippy, if anyone wishes to speak to me during Toxic's time away He has given me permission to give his screenname out. I am house sitting so I have unlimited access to his computer. If he is spammed or others are rude he states he can always create a new one.

FinalizedDrip is his AIM name.

My e-mail is [email protected]

I will respond quicker on either of those methods.


New Member
Re: My friend; The Vampire

This might be my only post in this topic...

I disbelieve this individual.

Vampires are not human beings. Not in the slightest. They were. Point being, Vampires are not a visible part of human society, they do not allow themselves to be documented and analyzed in ways which expose them as something other than human, because such exposure would lead to instant attention from multiple sources, public, government, medical, etc who would not be interested in the will of that individual being as they closed in for study. Such exposure would lead to a search for more individuals, and Vampires would lose their removed status from Human society. Imagine a "Vampire Registration Act" passing congress declaring these individuals mark themselves and report to certain areas. Any population who knows the danger of destruction knows how to remain underground. Yes, I guarantee Vampires fear you as much as you fear them. If you've never spoken personally with a holocaust survivor, do so before it's too late, they're aging, but their voices ring with the chill of fear the same way they did in 1950. If you were a parasite living beyond the reach of human society, you'd do some serious thinking about numbers. 8 billion humans, how many vampires? Not 8 billion, not 8 million i'd wager. The soviets washed over germany without half those numbers. A Vampire that wished to expose themselves to begin this process would be culled by their smarter friends.

If I have been curt, I apologize.
