Odds on being wrong due to timeline technicalities


Senior Member
I'm good as a semiskilled amateur's in a new area that I thought I'd never have to be good at. This advocation is centered such, that I had to know and understand the technology much better than it was presented to me in previous times. So I took two additional courses, then added this skill to the medical nomenclate I had already learned a stance within.

I had noted not long ago, via a guest on this host board, that there was a prediction, of a probable sterility problem, which at the current times, of my posting here today, is not now noted as a problem.

The way prediction sometimes works with both reference to time travel, as well as prophecy, is that certain bumps stationed on the cogs and gears of of how time flows, takes a few years to unfold.

Say for instance you know of a famous character's going to be assassinated. So you're figuring that in the near time you hear of the prediction, that it's going to happen not long after the prediction is made. Sometimes what does occur, is that the prediction, or assassination occurs at an odd time, so as to make the stance of the original time, seem irrelevant.

*An EXAMPLE is Michelle Rempel Gardner's say that the Trudeau government is unfair as well as being Orwellian. What the deal is with her, is that one, she was going to government that could have been in part by how government had set, just not government's fault then. 2 The people involved did not effectively use the resources they had, or to take someone else's sound advice. 3.Became such a pain in the ass, that the then Trudeau government figured, the other side was throwing so much hash, that it was probably good to shut them up anyways.

So be forewarned here, with respects to predictions, like how a follower rider, within the gears of an old style watch, the variances that lie hidden on the ride along surfaces of those gears. The technical point accrued is, may always have irregularities to make whatever one is predicting, happen, latter, or not at the time scheduled?

What's funny in this brief essay, I did start out premise of the paragraph subject planned assassination, didn't I? Oh well, of not matter or consequence, sh*t happens.

} MUSE FOR TODAY; Bullshit, it was the computer, or at least the natural AI inside of it. A GRIL WHO KNOWS COMPUTERS WELL: I don't see what you're spazzing about here. Maybe it was coincidence. Sometimes a PC will enact the automatic features of it's operating system programming, to where it won't do that all the time.

FIRST GUY. They showed the time, the PC had it camera on, indicating the red ight LED, Then did something and stopped his limo cold. I don't know how it did it, but I'm willing to bet top dollar that it was the system, no body else or a human could have hacked into DMV that fast. That little bugger saved his life! A GRIL WHO KNOWS COMPUTERS WELL: Point well made, you get the numbers won on this tennis set. You like the sprout sandwich from Jerrys and a Jonny Walker made tropical. Let me call this one, we'll eat in the office, todays, my treat.


Senior Member
I'm good as a semiskilled amateur's in a new area that I thought I'd never have to be good at. This advocation is centered such, that I had to know and understand the technology much better than it was presented to me in previous times. So I took two additional courses, then added this skill to the medical nomenclate I had already learned a stance within.

I had noted not long ago, via a guest on this host board, that there was a prediction, of a probable sterility problem, which at the current times, of my posting here today, is not now noted as a problem.

The way prediction sometimes works with both reference to time travel, as well as prophecy, is that certain bumps stationed on the cogs and gears of of how time flows, takes a few years to unfold.

Say for instance you know of a famous character's going to be assassinated. So you're figuring that in the near time you hear of the prediction, that it's going to happen not long after the prediction is made. Sometimes what does occur, is that the prediction, or assassination occurs at an odd time, so as to make the stance of the original time, seem irrelevant.

*An EXAMPLE is Michelle Rempel Gardner's say that the Trudeau government is unfair as well as being Orwellian. What the deal is with her, is that one, she was going to government that could have been in part by how government had set, just not government's fault then. 2 The people involved did not effectively use the resources they had, or to take someone else's sound advice. 3.Became such a pain in the ass, that the then Trudeau government figured, the other side was throwing so much hash, that it was probably good to shut them up anyways.

So be forewarned here, with respects to predictions, like how a follower rider, within the gears of an old style watch, the variances that lie hidden on the ride along surfaces of those gears. The technical point accrued is, may always have irregularities to make whatever one is predicting, happen, latter, or not at the time scheduled?

What's funny in this brief essay, I did start out premise of the paragraph subject planned assassination, didn't I? Oh well, of not matter or consequence, sh*t happens.

} MUSE FOR TODAY; Bullshit, it was the computer, or at least the natural AI inside of it. A GRIL WHO KNOWS COMPUTERS WELL: I don't see what you're spazzing about here. Maybe it was coincidence. Sometimes a PC will enact the automatic features of it's operating system programming, to where it won't do that all the time.

FIRST GUY. They showed the time, the PC had it camera on, indicating the red ight LED, Then did something and stopped his limo cold. I don't know how it did it, but I'm willing to bet top dollar that it was the system, no body else or a human could have hacked into DMV that fast. That little bugger saved his life! A GRIL WHO KNOWS COMPUTERS WELL: Point well made, you get the numbers won on this tennis set. You like the sprout sandwich from Jerrys and a Jonny Walker made tropical. Let me call this one, we'll eat in the office, todays, my treat.

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Senior Member
Well, if you're one of those bogus "time travelers" making vapid claims, the odds of being wrong "due to timeline technicalities" is 100%. Otherwise, how you gonna explain why you were wrong?
If you're just an ordinary (sane) individual, the chances of being wrong "due to timeline technicalities" is zero. You're just wrong because you're wrong.



Senior Member
Well, if you're one of those bogus "time travelers" making vapid claims, the odds of being wrong "due to timeline technicalities" is 100%. Otherwise, how you gonna explain why you were wrong?
If you're just an ordinary (sane) individual, the chances of being wrong "due to timeline technicalities" is zero. You're just wrong because you're wrong.

If ? As the post said, to many variable conditions.
