Planet-X and Niburu


New Member
Planet-X and Niburu

Now only if we could get your coordinants for the ASM location from
the outer region of the central galaxy's centralized position in
space leading outwrds from the photon band, to the event horizon of
the menassic ring, and pettetion NASA to aim "Chandra" there and have
a look?


Perhaps there either exists legendary Planet-X, or Niburu in the form
of a "Class-C" Planetary body within a fixed orbital patteren around
our central galaxy's "Photon-Band" which yield exoctic energies that
effect this planet's atmosphere to the likes of impacting any
potential biological life upon it. If any "Intelligent" life forms
exist, they may be of quite a different genetic make-up that that of
our own M-Class planet! Think about it for one moment what this could
imply if we could study this effect on human life if exposed to
artificiated replication of such extended exposure of these uniqe
properties? We could evolve to what?

This planet would also be hyperdimensionally "Accelerated" in Time
that exists slightly out of phase to that of our own, which would
also make it more difficult to detect, which explains why we have yet
to locate it yet. (Yet)....


Senior Member
Planet-X and Niburu

Originally posted by GVT12@Nov 29 2004, 02:57 PM
Now only if we could get your coordinants for the ASM location from
the outer region of the central galaxy's centralized position in
space leading outwrds from the photon band, to the event horizon of
the menassic ring, and pettetion NASA to aim \"Chandra\" there and have
a look?


Perhaps there either exists legendary Planet-X, or Niburu in the form
of a \"Class-C\" Planetary body within a fixed orbital patteren around
our central galaxy's \"Photon-Band\" which yield exoctic energies that
effect this planet's atmosphere to the likes of impacting any
potential biological life upon it. If any \"Intelligent\" life forms
exist, they may be of quite a different genetic make-up that that of
our own M-Class planet! Think about it for one moment what this could
imply if we could study this effect on human life if exposed to
artificiated replication of such extended exposure of these uniqe
properties? We could evolve to what?

This planet would also be hyperdimensionally \"Accelerated\" in Time
that exists slightly out of phase to that of our own, which would
also make it more difficult to detect, which explains why we have yet
to locate it yet. (Yet)....

Your talking about the umbra, or the outer scalier reference here.

The central mass is in-time, to what we realize.

Hypersonic DNA restructuring, with reference to stopped \ stepped phase, may not be known, understood or realized, at this point in time?

What you are imaging is an inducement in phase shift, which accelerates spatial reference to how DNA sits.

This process itself would be a readjustments of how helical refractions, as far as new branches to DNA would invest themselves.

This process is almost kind of like a rose stemming new variants, to its nature as a rose bush.


New Member
Planet-X and Niburu

Originally posted by GVT12@Nov 29 2004, 03:57 PM
Perhaps there either exists legendary Planet-X, or Niburu in the form of a \"Class-C\" Planetary body within a fixed orbital patteren around our central galaxy's \"Photon-Band\" which yield exoctic energies that effect this planet's atmosphere to the likes of impacting any potential biological life upon it.

Planet-X may not be a planet but a brown dwarf! Which could help explain a few things. Here are a few links.

I'm glad somebody brought this up, it's a really interesting topic!


Senior Member
Planet-X and Niburu

This planet has been bombarded by cosmic rays for millions upon millions of years. There are particles that zip right through the earth and keep on going, our bodies included. Perhaps that is what caused the primordial ooze to starts its journey to our present bipedal form. They have discovered a 'planet' past Pluto.
My bet, it's real cold out there and you would be hard pressed to find Girl Scout Cookies there.


Senior Member
Planet-X and Niburu

GVT-12 said; GVT-12 said ; We could evolve to what?

lamdo answewrs; Well' it would be your environs, that would certainly change and this is with reference to frequency of harmonics, alone?!

This new environment would be similar to a bath of extra frequency, which would result change.

I don't know about death?......However, I think what we would again be looking at, is the process of evolution.

There are two precedents for something like this and the first is>
Starring: William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, See more
Director: Robert Wise
Format: Color, Closed-captioned, Dolby, NTSC
Studio: Paramount Studio
Video Release Date: November 17, 1998
VHS Features:
lamdo continues narration;There are a few other movies that indicate evolutionary change in mankind. However' there seems in every attempt by authors, to indicate that some controlling electromechanical boss, would be proviso over mankind's, new step, into a superior self.

I think the very fist Star Trek shows this, when the Voyager spacecraft is once found again. This space-craft evolves itself, into tremendous proportions, due to contamination with another probe.

>Capatin Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy caution the person attempting to join with Veger, the space-craft, "Stop, you don't know what that will do"!

The last element needed, is mankind itself,. due to the fact that this device was all machine.

In the real, Planet X, and "yes' I know its a brown dwarf, slight less than the size of Jupiter, but fashioned of iron and silicon, with primitive fusion processes at its core", would provide a resonating effect over mankind.

This process, GVT-12, may well evolve us?
Since the photon belt is a high energy scalier wave and this factor coupled with PX which itself is a natural resonator, then our scalier frequency of being, might well start to boost?

In Godlike Productions, about two summers ago, there were reports of very odd phenomenon, occurring nationwide.

This had to do with reports on the government LASCO mil imaging of the sun, of a possible Planet X object, which just seemed to skirt into our solar system, via LASCOs telling?

There are many differing reports about effects of PX, given in under archival files.

At this time I did also experience disappearances of objects as others reported them seeming to faze out of this reality,. only to reappear, when this object moved out from the sun, a little.

Our newer form, answering GVT-12, might be beyond flesh, but a basing in a multi-phasic DNA?

This might be the vestiture of an almost God-like persona, with the abilities of some angels?

What is of importants here GVT-12, is the process itself and how would this be manifested?

I think when Steven Collins interfazes with Veger, in Star Trek the motion picture, is about as close as your going to get to this new form we might invest ourselves in?

There is a giddiness, a mild socially acceptable insanity.A new way of seeing things, as what you are looking through now, changes right before your eyes.

There is something else, GVT-12, I had noticed during that time when LASCO recorded this almost it seemed huge transparent globe moving into our system, my pets as well as other animals, began to understand English.

I did not know, that a dog who never had any training is what his right or left was, could be told from a distance while it swam for its biskets in the river, that ,"Its on your right, also means your right paw"!

This is scary, frightening and at the same time very wonderful chain of events.

There does seem the prospectus, that we as a race indeed, will evolve.


New Member
Planet-X and Niburu

Originally posted by lamdo263@Nov 29 2004, 06:56 PM
GVT-12 said; GVT-12 said ; We could evolve to what?

lamdo answewrs; Well' it would be your environs, that would certainly change and this is with reference to frequency of harmonics, alone?!

This new environment would be similar to a bath of extra frequency, which would result change....This process, GVT-12, may well evolve us?
Since the photon belt is a high energy scalier wave and this factor coupled with PX which itself is a natural resonator, then our scalier frequency of being, might well start to boost?

In Godlike Productions, about two summers ago, there were reports of very odd phenomenon, occurring nationwide.

This had to do with reports on the government LASCO mil imaging of the sun, of a possible Planet X object, which just seemed to skirt into our solar system, via LASCOs telling?

...Our newer form, answering GVT-12, might be beyond flesh, but a basing in a multi-phasic DNA?

This might be the vestiture of an almost God-like persona, with the abilities of some angels?

What is of importants here GVT-12, is the process itself and how would this be manifested?

I think when Steven Collins interfazes with Veger, in Star Trek the motion picture, is about as close as your going to get to this new form we might invest ourselves in?

There is a giddiness, a mild socially acceptable insanity.A new way of seeing things, as what you are looking through now, changes right before your eyes.

There is something else, GVT-12, I had noticed during that time when LASCO recorded this almost it seemed huge transparent globe moving into our system, my pets as well as other animals, began to understand English.

I did not know, that a dog who never had any training is what his right or left was, could be told from a distance while it swam for its baskets in the river, that ,\"Its on your right, also means your right paw\"!

This is scary, frightening and at the same time very wonderful chain of events.

There does seem the prospectus, that we as a race indeed, will evolve.

Thanks for all the kind replies everyone, especially lamdo263...

You hit the target right on the bullseye lamdo!

We are in Synch


Senior Member
Planet-X and Niburu

It is amazing how much reality we can find in motion pictures. If Hollywood had their act together, they would make a movie about Utopia with all it's inherent goodness and undoubtedly Reality as we know it would have to conform and to prove it all our parrots would be able to think in parrot and be able to parrot back a spoken language they are conditioned with. And we have Steam Boat Willy to thank for all this.
