Somebody HELP! Need help removing Symbols on Microsoft Word Documents


Senior Member
PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP! I was working on a Document in Microsoft Word when that little Animated Office Assist popped up. I clicked on an option that I thought closed it out, but instead it added some feature that I don't want! Now whenever I use Microsoft Word these stupid symbols and icons show up on my Document (paragraph symbol, arrows, dots in-between words, etc. SEE PHOTO)

Please somebody help me get rid of this??!

Here's what it looks like:

HELP Microsoft Word Document, Cropped.jpg


Junior Member
It's an option called show/hide formatting marks in my version of word (Office 2003), and it's in my toolbar. Looking at the picture you attached I think you use another version.

Anyway, I would do a search in the help section for show/hide formatting marks or formatting marks, maybe you can locate where you can turn it off or on.


Senior Member
It's an option called show/hide formatting marks in my version of word (Office 2003), and it's in my toolbar. Looking at the picture you attached I think you use another version.

Anyway, I would do a search in the help section for show/hide formatting marks or formatting marks, maybe you can locate where you can turn it off or on.

It worked! It's fixed! Thank you, thank you, thank you...and bless you! :D
