Time travel... Why it cannot happen...


For time travel to exist, time itself must be an entity and not just a mental construct.

Yesterday I was in deep meditation trying to figure out why I am so tired lately. I then went got a hot bath going and tried to relax. Get my energy back.

Now in a deeper state of meditation I access "the cube" now for those of you that know will know what this is for the rest of you the cube exist outside of what we call conscious dreaming. How you can access it is really easy actually. A cup of coffee before bed will allow you to enter a lucid dream state. In this state you will find two emotions in control.

The one emotion is fear and the other is desire. Now controlling the second takes practice so don't drink coffee every night before bed it will mess you up and you will not be in control. So i recommend once every few months.

Preparation must include honesty about your desires and you really have to focus on them because this can hinder you to access the cube. Fear is the second aspect and much harder to explain.

So while lucid dreaming you will find your body will go from one extreme to the next to wake you up. Now in time you will be able to control to a degree how scared you will become. The reason is you need to wake-up in a state of sleep paralysis. This is where you need to be ready because it is terribly scary state to be in and your body will pump blood as hard as it can it will trigger adrenaline to wake you up. In this state you can access the cube.

How will you know what state you are in.

In early lucid dreaming you my find your phone not working, you will not be able to read and you will have little control over what is around you. Normally you will dream of being in your bedroom or house or place you find comfort. However in the later stage the biggest thing you can look for is a light switch. A light cannot work in your dreams. It can if you are in a more of a dream state then a lucid dream state but in a pure lucid dream state you will not be able to turn a light on. Every room behind you will be darker then the one before.

It is here you need to focus on what you want to accomplish. Now if you worked on your desire aspect you will now be able to focus on it. In my case it is to find answers to serious questions about the spirit. So you will be confronted by dream demons. Real or not they WILL attack you regardless. They will be scary and you will experience a night terror the first time you enter this state. You can notice them fast because they will notice you entering a room as a unfamiliar face. Their eyes will turn black and their mouths will be able to open abnormally.

At this point you WILL wake up in a state of sleep paralysis. You will be afraid, you will be terrified and you may even wet your bed. BUT it is here you need to understand your body is in a state for terror. You will never be more afraid then what you will be at this point in your life.

It is here you need to focus on whatever it is that you will see. The goal is to focus on the question you have. The moment you succeed you will enter "the cube" The cube is much like it sounds it is a place with 4 walls a roof and a floor. You will see a cube rotating with the letters V X and C on it there will be an equal sign it will be glittery and behind it more cubes will rotate randomly each with a letter or number. It will look like a math problem at first but let it sink in. The color blue will be the first color you will recognize and then the other colors will follow until you only see white light. It is here you want to ask your question.

The room will break away and you will stand in space surrounded by stars you will see a shiny rope on the end of your feet. It will be glowing and it will be very bright. Keep your composure because you are no longer in your mind. You are in what few started to call the "library". At this point you will see a video clip explaining your answer in great detail. It is at this point where all that focus and meditation starts to show its worth. Remember your mind needs to be clear. You will not remember what you see otherwise.

Right at this point your answer will be a video but it is not like TV or YouTube. You will be part of the construct. Everything will happen around you ALL THE TIME. So you will not get a clear view of everything. You need to go back every few months. Don't attempt to go back frequently you will not like what you see or feel. Remember you are in a very dangerous spot because if that shiny rope breaks you are gone. You are done. You have been warned.

Now back to time travel. For you to go back into time it means it needs to exist. But time doesn't exist outside its own rules. Meaning time is relative only because time is measured by consciousness. Time does not exist outside consciousness and unlike gravity and other natural laws it has no effect. Do not confuse time with speed it is not the same thing. Do not confuse time with a the multiverse it is not the same thing. Your yesterday does not exist anymore because it is still in the "now" Meaning the only thing that changed between your younger days and your older days is the environment, your body and your mind. BUT relative to natural forces nothing changed. Spiritually however there are profound changes and it might be for the better or worse depending on consciousness but in the bigger picture nothing happened.

Simply put the spiritual world has its own set of rules and there is no "forever yesterday" or "forever tomorrow" their is only the now. You are alive now and your world looks the way it looks in the now. Once you no longer observe the changes then the only change is that you no longer observe it.

Sorry to break it to you all but time travel cannot happen because there is no destination only "the now" This is what I realized while in the cube now take it for what it is I don't care because I know what I know. It took me many years to realize this and if you look at my signature I myself use to believe time travel was factually possible. I now know in 2022 it is not.
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Andy F

New Member
@label it's not that it can't happen it mustn't happen. Time travel only brings misery for others. We are not sufficiently advanced as a species to handle time travel possibly the greatest gift to mankind.


@label it's not that it can't happen it mustn't happen. Time travel only brings misery for others. We are not sufficiently advanced as a species to handle time travel possibly the greatest gift to mankind.
Again I use to believe this, I really did... I tried the science I tried the the inventions but nothing worked. Despite my position here on this forum and my ramblings I am well educated and with it I started to realize the true burden of knowing. Firstly what they teach us is wrong, secondly once we realize the truth we hardly want to accept the result.

So I walked into the spiritual world and it is here I realized we are more then just chemistry. We are biological yes, we are electrical yes, but we are deeply rooted in spirituality.

I am no fool, the above I know how it sounds. But for those who do dream lucid dreams and do suffer from sleep paralyses and for those who do astral projection we know our soul is an active being with far more potential then any other.

The feminine and the masculine is truly incredible powers and should never be degraded. The ability to create a cognitive being in the womb is a truly godly power. Nothing is more powerful then a well educated strong willed mind. It is why the act of creating life is sacred.

The war between humanity and demons are very real, people think science dismiss this but this is not true. When scientists are exposed to the supernatural they cannot comprehend it rationally and is why we get so much confusion from the scientific world. Sadly dismissal and objective spite entered into the game. You can notice this in their choice of words and their mocking. But all must die, they think their clones and their mental computer copies will somehow save them. A clone may look like the original and may even act like the original but it is it's own being. It will have it's own soul and life energy. It will have it's own heart and spiritual path. As for the computerized copy? Again it will act like the original mind in every possible way but it can never capture the soul.

See time travel isn't possible in the physical spectrum, we don't know what natural rules govern the spiritual spectrum but we do know there are rules and we can conclude this with what we don't see. My personal conclusion is the soul is an observer of what we call the passing of time. It is not effected by it physically but will be mentally as it absorbs information while connected to the physical body. Once this process is completed the body dies and the soul moves on. To what? The answer is simple... But many wants to dismiss it.

Understand the above is not me giving up, it is me realizing the facts and once they are represented we cannot change them. We can manipulate facts to say one thing or something else but they remain facts. The fact is we cannot move trough time because time is not a medium it is a scale for observation. I know this is harsh but I have no reason to lie to you. Don't think for a moment I don't want to be wrong. I more then anyone wanted time travel to be possible but it is with a sad heart I say this. It is simply not because the passing of time is in the eye of the beholder. In the physical world time simply do not exist.

I wrote this here because I know how deeply important it is/was in my life. But I rather spare you the road to nowhere so you may use your "time" with the people you love and do the things you enjoy. Don't "waste" your "time" on this anymore.


Again I use to believe this, I really did... I tried the science I tried the the inventions but nothing worked. Despite my position here on this forum and my ramblings I am well educated and with it I started to realize the true burden of knowing. Firstly what they teach us is wrong, secondly once we realize the truth we hardly want to accept the result.

So I walked into the spiritual world and it is here I realized we are more then just chemistry. We are biological yes, we are electrical yes, but we are deeply rooted in spirituality.

I am no fool, the above I know how it sounds. But for those who do dream lucid dreams and do suffer from sleep paralyses and for those who do astral projection we know our soul is an active being with far more potential then any other.

The feminine and the masculine is truly incredible powers and should never be degraded. The ability to create a cognitive being in the womb is a truly godly power. Nothing is more powerful then a well educated strong willed mind. It is why the act of creating life is sacred.

The war between humanity and demons are very real, people think science dismiss this but this is not true. When scientists are exposed to the supernatural they cannot comprehend it rationally and is why we get so much confusion from the scientific world. Sadly dismissal and objective spite entered into the game. You can notice this in their choice of words and their mocking. But all must die, they think their clones and their mental computer copies will somehow save them. A clone may look like the original and may even act like the original but it is it's own being. It will have it's own soul and life energy. It will have it's own heart and spiritual path. As for the computerized copy? Again it will act like the original mind in every possible way but it can never capture the soul.

See time travel isn't possible in the physical spectrum, we don't know what natural rules govern the spiritual spectrum but we do know there are rules and we can conclude this with what we don't see. My personal conclusion is the soul is an observer of what we call the passing of time. It is not effected by it physically but will be mentally as it absorbs information while connected to the physical body. Once this process is completed the body dies and the soul moves on. To what? The answer is simple... But many wants to dismiss it.

Understand the above is not me giving up, it is me realizing the facts and once they are represented we cannot change them. We can manipulate facts to say one thing or something else but they remain facts. The fact is we cannot move trough time because time is not a medium it is a scale for observation. I know this is harsh but I have no reason to lie to you. Don't think for a moment I don't want to be wrong. I more then anyone wanted time travel to be possible but it is with a sad heart I say this. It is simply not because the passing of time is in the eye of the beholder. In the physical world time simply do not exist.

I wrote this here because I know how deeply important it is/was in my life. But I rather spare you the road to nowhere so you may use your "time" with the people you love and do the things you enjoy. Don't "waste" your "time" on this anymore.

Great post, Label.

I agree with you about this Spiritual Journey we are all on.
Science cannot prove nor disprove its existence but then again, neither can those whom see it for themselves
prove it's existence scientifically so it becomes an (Agree to Disagree) stance.

I have to ask though, if I may.
When you say 'In the physical world time simply do not exist.'
Do you mean that time is not a physical thing that exists within our world?

I'm Just being curious.

In all of my journeys through my spiritual life,
I have been made aware that time does not exist in a spiritual sense and it was mind blowing
when It was first rationalized out to me. (Very long story there so, I won't get into it.)

So, In the Spiritual world, time also does not exist. IMHO.

Time is as you said above,
" The fact is we cannot move trough time because time is not a medium,
it is a scale for observation. I know this is harsh but I have no reason to lie to you."

I think this is true, too.

As for the Spiritual aspect,
I was one of the most skeptical beings living until around my early to mid thirties.
Things changed drastically. I accepted my own denial of the spiritual and was made to relive my past.

I gave physical proof to the fields of science that contained the unexplainable.
So yes, I have actually lived it, been right directly in the middle of the debate of what can/cannot exist.
I will not debate it any further.

Pardon the expression but...It would just waste valuable time. :)


Great post, Label.

I have to ask though, if I may.
When you say 'In the physical world time simply do not exist.'
Do you mean that time is not a physical thing that exists within our world?

I'm Just being curious.


Good day Wind7, i hope you are doing well.

Yes it is as it stands, time is not physical it holds no medium nor can it be travailed within. Time is a scale that is used for calculations. In short it only has meaning because we need for calculations.

As for the the soul, time is still just a measurement but it doesn't hold the same urgency as it does in the physical world. Here we can die, thus our time is precious and time is finite. Every second we lose IS a second lost forever.

To recognize that science is wrong about the soul is very important. Science was never suppose to be what it is today. Science was suppose to be our friend, and walk with us and allow us to understand the world better. To teach us how things work and operate and more importantly how to protect ourselves against the many things that can end life prematurely.

Sadly it got twisted and it's function got lost. Science is now considered the enemy of spirituality. It's function now is to make wealthy people more wealthy and make promises it can't keep and is task to uphold what is essentially a false truth. Some scientists was documented to destroy artifacts that would disproof their findings.

The scientist stopped with giving humanity the truth and instead gave them a lie. They believe that humanity can only move forward if we dismiss the soul. Only then can we be free? See they want to us to believe that the clone will give immortality and a copy of your brain will allow you to live past your time. As stated before the clone will be its own being. The computer copy will only be a copy.

Being spiritual is what makes us human. It makes us humble, it help us in bad times it will aid us in good times but it is alongside us existing with us until the bond between soul and body is broken.


Junior Member
Hello label,

Very interesting thread. I normally don't log in when browsing but have some questions I would like to ask you.
Yes it is as it stands, time is not physical it holds no medium nor can it be travailed within. Time is a scale that is used for calculations. In short it only has meaning because we need for calculations.
What is your take on people who claim to have seen the future through spiritual means? Are they crazy or do you think there is more to it?
As for the the soul, time is still just a measurement but it doesn't hold the same urgency as it does in the physical world. Here we can die, thus our time is precious and time is finite. Every second we lose IS a second lost forever.
Do you know what kind of measurement it would be? The only thing I can see us bringing beyond death is wisdom. In the same way that meters measure distance, time could measure wisdom.


What is your take on people who claim to have seen the future through spiritual means? Are they crazy or do you think there is more to it?

Do you know what kind of measurement it would be? The only thing I can see us bringing beyond death is wisdom. In the same way that meters measure distance, time could measure wisdom.

hi Inferno,

I will start with saying I don't think people that see the future is crazy... They are actually at times correct to a deadly degree. People predicting their own deaths to people predicting wars and other events is a reality. How this works however is again mental projection based on current information.

Example you see conflict like you do now and wonder how it will end and sadly it will end in a very unexpected yet very heavy handed way. How can I say this? The information we have suggest that both leaders are in a stalemate and things can only progress from that situation in a more heavy handed way. The question now is, who is going to bring down the hammer so to speak? Again this statement is universal and will eventually fit a narrative perfectly. It may not be today but at some point a broken clock is correct at least twice a day.

But what about people that get it right all the time with scary accuracy? Well I answer this with my own belief and that is we are all bound to our own fate and nothing we do can change that. It sounds very negative because it brings in all those questions about free will and the like. Thing is people don''t understand free will so it is hard to explain. But regardless of our choices, some events will simply just take place. Example if someone planned something bad and go do it. Regardless of what the victim does the bad guy will have a high probability of success unless something stops the event entirely.

Does this mean some people are just born to be victims ? No actually it was still a choice just not their choice. Again the concept it very dark sadly but if the bad guy can make a choice NOT TO BE BAD, but doesn't hence the victim can only react in a bad situation until the worse happens. I hate this because I have people whom I love and knowing this just breaks my heart.

Thus my conclusion fate is real. I don't like it but it is as clear as day. Can fate be changed ? Yes... it is a question of who's choice it is. Some choices sadly isn't ours to make.


Do you know what kind of measurement it would be? The only thing I can see us bringing beyond death is wisdom. In the same way that meters measure distance, time could measure wisdom.

The soul is infinite and lives in infinity... It is without bound and it has no end to it. So yes the soul will be able to absorb wisdom understand things better because it has no known boundaries other then we are still subject to some rules. But for now the soul is a mystery and what will happen to it/us is really conjecture to a high degree... We have some "facts" but again that comes down to what "choice" you/we made and all that goes with that.

But the short answer is I don't believe the soul will have measure like we have on earth in the physical world. Unless if the soul is bound to its own set of natural laws . Again conjecture but it stands to reason that some "natural laws" will exist and with it restriction and enabling factors. It is really hard to answer but this is my best shot at it

please be safe :)
