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The Time Travel Forum (http://www.TimeTravelForum.tk)->Where Would YOU Go? What Part Of History Would YOU Go Back And Change?->If you could go back to the past/future where would you go?

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DALAMAR666 Posted: Dec 25 2003, 09:24 AM


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When I sit back and look at my life and wonder if there was a time that I would like to change or experience over again i would have to chose that date as it is the fork in the road of my life. In fact, that turning point can be singled down to a specific hour in time. For many many years I have tried to find a way to travel to that date and to a specific time so that I can change the outcome of an event. Would I use the device to make money no for money has no meaning to me as well as inantimate objects. The thing that matters to me most in life is the interactions I have with others. I am also willing to pay whatever price in a monitary sense is necessary to guarentee my safe arrival at the specific date and time to alter the events that have become my future. I would not require a return guarentee, infact I would be most content being left there to relive the next 10 years and see how it changes my life so that should the result be less than what I desire I can stop myself from making the trip. Or atleast be able to convince myself that the trip will not give me anything. The formentioned result is highly unlikely as reliving the last 10 years will only provide me with more oppertunities to obtain knowledge and further myself in the happiness that matters to me. Most of the posts I have read here about people wanting things out of time want things that when you die are gone. How would I know if the device truely works? Surely if it is a working device then the owner will have no problems authenticating this for me. As the devices I have read about allow the person to travel in the future and as it is something that I would not want to have to wait for proof of all I ask for proof is the front page of the newspaper that I will be able to then verify when the future becomes the present. I understand that through the natural course of time some things may change slightly but as I consider my existance and my place in the world it is extremely unlikely that providing someone such as myself with a newspaper clipping to verify authenticity is to no threat to the time traveler, his device, the human race, or anything else as we know it. If you are a time traveler and you are able to provide me with the proof necessary let me know how to contact you and whatever monetary payment you require or knowledge or whateevr you would require to provide me with this trip.

Soldier Of The Lord Posted: Dec 25 2003, 01:27 PM


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Hi DALAMAR you have posed a very good question "if we could time travek where would we go"?...well i am not sure......firstly id probably like to go to the time near the crucifiction of Christ (being a devout Christian) although if we had a time machine perhaps it would only transport us to the actual area where we are using the time machine and not another country?just same place different time?...just food for thought.
Also i have always thought that if one travels back in time and change something say made it so Hitler won the war then when we return to what 'we think' is this world we would find it isnt the same world as th one we left. I believe that if something as big as th outcome of Hitler winning th war happened then that event would only be aparent to the actual person time travelling and he could in effect never ever return to the world where he came and would infact appear in an alternate earth where the events are very normal to the peole living there.

I see a real connection between time travel and paralell earths.

Here is another reason why i believe the events we change would only be visible to us in a 'created' alternate earth as a direct outcome to altering past events..........;

Say the time traveller went back in time and changed history ...hitler winning th war etc.....well.....in order for him/her to come back to the world where they originally came(the right time zone etc) to see the effects of th past events he/she altered,... then the people who were living in this world at th time when th time traveller went back, would 'have to' literally see th world change around them and send th world into shock and panic......trees would dissapear, people would vanish and cease to exist, buildings wuld turn to rubble...swaztikas would appear out of nowehre.. etc..i think you get the picture.

I hope you understand how im putting this..its hard to explain as im sure you will agree.....I believe The world can only change for the time traveller and thus he would never ever return to his original world but a parallell earth but still in the same year from which he originally travelled (say 2003), simply because if he returned to original world, the people have to see the world change and i think God made the way the universe works much more intelligent than that. From my point of view i dont believe the events of this worlds past or coming future events (such as detailed on my website...www.soldierofthelord.4t.com) can ever be changed but must follow their direct course of fate and memory.

The only way one can change the outcome to a past event is indeed to travel back in time but they must accept that the world they return to wont be the world which they knew and infact be a paralell earth and this parallel earth they created was actually the world they 'created' as a direct result of altering past events thus they can never change th events of this present 'true' world.

I say this wolrd is the 'true' earth as i eblieve all other earths i believe exist are acting out from 'this' earth acting out every possible outcome to every event that has ever happened.

The world we change can only be the world we come back to....the people living at tht time th time traveller goes back will continue living their life and the world will saty the same as always..except for the traveller who will never return Home.

Well hopefully you understand what im saying and it gives you a good deep think.

God bless!......id be interested in knowing any interesting websites you have on time travel.


Soldier Of The Lord
Refuse/Resist The New World Order!

DALAMAR666 Posted: Dec 27 2003, 04:55 AM


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thank you for your reply although I must admit that I did not pose the question I mearly answered. The thing which you described can be best called a paradox which also was explained in the book the time machine where there were no more phonix cause of a buttrfly that was killed. The events that you referenced are events that changed and molded the future of the world. The event that I am hoping to change or thrwart is an event that only effected me and 5 other people. Granted I will not make the egotistical claim that I am all seeing and all knowing and know all of the ripple effects that will come about from the change I would like to make, but I know the ripple effect it would have on my life and I am willing to accept that. The other thing that I have to consider is if I have the right to force the ripple effect on the lives of the people it would effect. That is something I will have to live with and something that I am willing to live with. Who know's after 10 years I may decide that it would be best to not travel back and leave things as they were I would then have the ability to stop myself from making the trip or leave myself a letter to do nothing which in and of itself may cause multiple paradox's

Phoenix Posted: Dec 27 2003, 06:54 AM

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The other thing that I have to consider is if I have the right to force the ripple effect on the lives of the people it would effect.

We were each granted free will. The right we don't have is to take that right away from others. When and if you go back, so long as your action is in agreement with your own conscience and your own reasoning at that time, then you have done the right thing.

By me posting this post on this board right now, I myself am "forcing a ripple effect on the lives of others" it is part of free will that we were all granted. This principle hold regardless of what present moment you find yourself in.

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