Recent content by adiladil

  1. adiladil

    How to build a working "chronovisor"

    Hy, I want to build one too, I knew some infos, we can talk, this is my email : [email protected]. Thanks
  2. adiladil

    Debate Photoradionics

    Hy, I can't watch the video, any link,? thanks
  3. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    I Hy, is that going with longitudinal wave that should be converted to UHF/VHF signal that you mentioned in yours previous posts?
  4. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    I OK, I'm sorry about repeating your answer, I don't knew how it's happened! it's just a mistake that i can't fix
  5. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    I'm not sure what you mean! but I think we exchange informations here, are we?
  6. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    That's what article said when they claim that time and space are IRRELEVANT, What's you think?
  7. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    Interesting, how to do that? Thanks
  8. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    Hy, not yet, I want to know from people here who are experienced in electronic and radionic if it will work! before trying
  9. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    Electromagnetic Radionic Camera" James B. Bage This is a radionic time camera : This invention relates to a method of obtaining photographic images of healthy and diseased parts of the human body, animals, birds, insects, trees, bushes, flowers, plants, seeds, psychic phenomena, and other...
  10. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    Hy, if money are available what device do you need in your research?
  11. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    Do you get any pictures? , thanks
  12. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    Hy, how it's connected? what components you think we need to add to an analog tv to become a Chronovisor?, do you think a scanning system is needed? Thanks
  13. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    Hy, What's the combined circuits look like? and what radionics components you mean? Because chronovisor it's not radionic, Thanks
  14. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    H Hy, where can I learn more about optical longitudinal waves?, and how i can receive it? Thanks
  15. adiladil

    Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?

    Hy all, is anyone here can tell how to use if possible machine/deep learning ,neural network... to understand the concepts behind chronovisor?I guess it's the only way to do it ,thanks
