Recent content by AxIoN

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    Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment

    I don't believe anything I read either haha. Your father was a wise man
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    Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment

    That's a very valid point. Don't you think it could just be the people? The inherit lazy-ness of our society. That's my view anyway, not enough people want to work t'words answers or discoveries in science. But back to the randomness topic, isn't randomness and guessing the whole theory behind...
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    Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment

    I appreciate your input. I do agree that much less trail and error is involved with the use of facts, but I also believe that randomness (speculation) could potentially provide a result that would take a lot more time with a fact based approach. The key word being could, it may or may not. Hence...
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    Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment

    Without speculation thought do you believe any progress could be made in this field? Facts are merely "a thing that is indisputably the case." But a speculation could arguably be the case aforementioned.
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    Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment

    I'm pretty sure everything on this forum is unknown and speculation. I am taking slight offense by your need to point that out.
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    What form of Time Travel did John Titor use?

    I was wondering if there is any indication of what form on time travel Mr. Titor used in his work? Please keep in mind I am very new in the Time Travel scene. Mr. Titor's work is the first primary example of time travel that I had ever seen and his name was mentioned in a fictional work so what...
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    Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment

    I was merely speculating on the fact that it does not list the amount of time that it was gone from the Philadelphia location. If that amount of time is unknown then how do they arrive at the conclusion that the ship went back 10 minutes? Clearly indicates a cover up, but that was my main point...
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    Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment

    This is more of a Discussion than anything but this interested me so much I made the decision to come here. The Wiki article of the incident is listed here. My main interest is in the next to last paragraph of the "Synopsis." Here is the qoute "the Eldridge (The ship involved in the incident)...
