Recent content by Itgoeson

  1. Itgoeson

    Do you believe in hell?

    I find it amazing that so many people live their whole lives in fear of something imagined - not real - that originated no-doubt, from a tragic thought-bubble from a village story-teller thousands of years ago [their own type of travelling internet] who was trying to scare the village children...
  2. Itgoeson

    Do you believe in hell?

    NO ... any more than the Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy ... just an imaginary place based on FEAR to control the masses. Consider an alternative theory contrary to the 'story' told in the bible. What if the Devil [the bad guy] won the fight in heaven and cast 'god' [the good guy] down to earth...
  3. Itgoeson

    What are your belief systems?

    We are not as small and insignificant as that, on a scale of 1 to 150 [ one being the smallest particle in the whole universe - 150 being the whole thing ] each segment calculated at either 10 x bigger or smaller. We humans are relatively huge - coming in at 60 [ a grape seed is 50 ]. The...
  4. Itgoeson

    List of Time Travel books

    I have enjoyed reading about time travel since the 60's - there were heaps of classic short stories in If and Galaxy pocket size magazines - which are much sought after collectables now. After reading all of the improbable ways suggested in Sci-Fi novels. The problem I hold with a working...
  5. Itgoeson

    Aliens Will Probably Be Machines, Not Little Green Men, Says SETI Expert

    Sorry to have ruffled your feathers Carl ... I know what its like to be 'adopted' by a evil entity ... I finally got rid of it by mentally willing it onto someone else, more 'deserving' of its attentions host. 'It' will only stay while you are paying attention to it. ... the worst thing 'it'...
  6. Itgoeson

    Aliens Will Probably Be Machines, Not Little Green Men, Says SETI Expert

    Thanks for sharing Carl - but your perception of reality only makes sense to an intellect at our current level of earthly understanding. So does your belief there are levels of higher and lower orders of aliens - why ? because truly advanced intelligent beings do not need subservient lower...
  7. Itgoeson

    List of Time Travel books

    Thanks I'll check it out ... I'm interested because as you can see by my pic I'm an inventor therefore I look at solving a seemingly impossible problem, such as time travel from a different angle ... and because I have just patented a time capsule for DNA.
  8. Itgoeson

    Aliens Will Probably Be Machines, Not Little Green Men, Says SETI Expert

    I suspect any alien invasion will be in the form of their DNA seeking new planets to colonise. Why? because its cheap and the way I would do it. Over centuries thousands of small drones could be fired-off and set on random courses into deep space ... no need for crew, engines, gravity, life...
  9. Itgoeson

    List of Time Travel books

    Twists in Time by Murray Leinster ... short stories ... the last one is the best
  10. Itgoeson

    What are your belief systems?

    I believe: The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy's had the right answer of the meaning of life and everything is ... 42. Which makes more sense to me than most of the other equally meaningless theories on this site. That said I do believe in 'spirits' of dead people can communicate to...
  11. Itgoeson

    what would proof of time travel be?

    If they brought back next weeks winning lottery numbers - would be nice.
