Recent content by Joe

  1. J

    Troll Love Story.

    Ok here is the story I had promised. It is a Icelandic folklore story about a man and a troll. I translated it for you guys. Enjoy! :) Troll Story – Skessu Jon | Monsters & Mystery – Paranormal Horror & Adventure
  2. J

    Confirmed Hoax I Am Immortal

    I'm pretty sure that guy ain't jesus mate!
  3. J

    Icelandic trolls.

    Hey there guys. I just wrote up an article about icelandic trolls. I just saw a movie the other day called troll hunter which inspired me to do so. That movie is about norwegian trolls but I decided to do mine about icelandic ones, they are similar but not quite the same. I also plan to...
  4. J

    Confirmed Hoax I Am Immortal

    You guys ain't buying this are you? I mean he is either a troll or sick.
  5. J

    Interview with Icelandic witch

    Check out this interview I just did with an icelandic witch: Interview with a witch | The Mystery Box | Monsters & Mystery, Adventure & Horror
  6. J

    Leaked Rare Video Missile Hitting Pentagon 911

    Hahahaha. Poor guy. I feel for him. Anyway though, that must be a special kind of childhood to be raised with cannons on the front lawn and such. I guess it must be a vivid memory. Hope the sight of those images didn't scare you to much when you were a child.
  7. J Who remembers the old classic gremlins?? I did... Who remembers the old classic gremlins?? I did an article on it yesterday! :)
  8. J

    Leaked Rare Video Missile Hitting Pentagon 911

    The nazis may have had parties and such, despite the economy being better, people were still poor when put up to modern standards, most of them didn't turn a blind eye by their own will.
  9. J

    Leaked Rare Video Missile Hitting Pentagon 911

    Oh and a large deciding factor as well was the fact that despite hitlers evil he did wonders for the economy, created jobs and such. People saw him as a hero before they realized what kind of a monster he was.
  10. J

    Leaked Rare Video Missile Hitting Pentagon 911

    People didn't know the full truth in the beginning, when they found out it was too late to do anything about it, if you spoke out you were shot. Also a large part of the nation was utterly brainwashed.
  11. J

    Debate Couples suing over renting a haunted house

    Agh god damnit I don't celebrate kwanzaa. Oh well! *sulk*
  12. J

    How did you find Paranormalis ?

    I google paranormal stuff all day long and so it wasn't surprizing really that I eventually ended up in here. Brilliant site! :)
  13. J

    Debate Couples suing over renting a haunted house

    Well you know I had my birthday just the other day it's not too late to give me a present ya know!! ;)
  14. J

    Leaked Rare Video Missile Hitting Pentagon 911

    I don't think it is that simple. Your government would not need to take such drastic measures, after all it is enough for example to lie about weapons of mass destruction or do it in some other less riskier way. Thinking that your government did it is just ridiculous and far fetched.
