Recent content by Magtron

  1. Magtron

    Dead Birds and Fish around the world

    what will happen next? what you think?
  2. Magtron

    MIB's - Account of MIB visitation following UFO Sighting

    they could be. but they can be other kinds of aliens.
  3. Magtron

    MIB's - Account of MIB visitation following UFO Sighting

    they could, but there no records in the government like their names, age, etc.
  4. Magtron

    Dead Birds and Fish around the world

    there are many things going on in the world that we don't understand. until we find out what has happened it will be just unknown.
  5. Magtron

    Facelessman /Crypid footage on YouTube

    could something happen to him to make him mouth less?
  6. Magtron

    Extraterrestrials: China releases Moon footage of alien bases

    I'm wondering is made by the people that used to lived on Mars.
  7. Magtron

    Ghost videos

    I thought that light where eyes. then I saw the figure run by
  8. Magtron

    newbie with some footage for your discernment

    some of the shadows where around you looks like. I wonder why these spirits came to you guys
  9. Magtron

    Ghost videos

    these videos is very very very good I jump few times
  10. Magtron

    Top secret cover up of Apollo 18 and more!!!

    like what was said in the x-files"Mulder: They're here, aren't they. Deep Throat: Mr. Mulder, they've been here for a long long time." we send those men up into space to unlock the doors of the universe and we don't even know what's behind them.
  11. Magtron

    Extraterrestrials: China releases Moon footage of alien bases

    unless they all went underground that why we can't find any traces of alien life mostly
  12. Magtron

    Stick people (Aliens?)

    I can't believe there is another sighting/videos of these guys
  13. Magtron

    MIB's - Account of MIB visitation following UFO Sighting

    what the woman said sounds like those two MIB wasn't human
  14. Magtron

    The Cumbrian Spaceman Photo

    little bit creepy seeing this photo. I just can't say anything about this photo.
