Recent content by Nimara

  1. Nimara

    Does anybody know any real legitimate spell casters that can cast a spell to take you back in time?

    I'm so sorry for your loss, Carl. I apologize if my post stirred up anything. I'm rather new here and just getting settled in, read up, and poking about threads. I've found life is a trial, even for a happy couple. Life is never easy, for anyone - no matter what they say or how they present...
  2. Nimara

    HDRs don't work... or mine is defective

    The HDR seems entirely unnecessary when the same results can be achieved naturally, without it's aid. Why spend hundreds of dollars for a resonator - when all you have to do is - ground, meditate, and travel? Meditation is not hard, and simply takes routine practice and astral projection...
  3. Nimara

    Does anybody know any real legitimate spell casters that can cast a spell to take you back in time?

    The closest I can find, is a Reconciliation with the Universe spell. In the dark of the moon, when stars show clear, Go where no houses or lights appear, Lie on your back beneath the sky, Fix with your gaze on the brightest star, Speak this aloud, to answer it's fire: Lower than grass my light...
  4. Nimara

    Debate Most Likely End of Days Scenario

    I think we are programmed to accept self-annihilation. Thus eventually, by our own hand, we will make our home inhabitable. Scientists are already doing a bang up job - with the invention of weapons, nuclear power, and other technological marvels we ooh and ahh over. It's only a matter of time...
  5. Nimara

    Is the universe a hologram?

    I don't think we are in the hologram, though, I do wonder if the paranormal is a holographic projection of our collective subconscious. Same with UFO's, aliens, gods, fairy, angels, etc. Which is more real and more holographic? Does it depend on which side of the veil your observing from? Does a...
  6. Nimara

    Mass Dolphin Beaching in Japan

    Supposedly, an underwater volcano erupted off the coast of Oregon, yesterday. They issued Tsunami warnings because of it. I only mention it n regards to something the dolphins might need to swim away from. That is quite far from Japan's shores though.
  7. Nimara

    "Samurai Ghost" allegedly caught on camera

    When I saw this come across my news feed, I wondered if she had a brother. You can see to the right of the girl's shoulder, a piece of the shirt sleeve of the 'ghost'.
  8. Nimara

    Nasa believes we are on the brink of discovering alien life

    Drip, drip, drip feed the masses. The aliens are out there. All the while ET has already sent their Von Nuemann probes to Earth (foo fighters), and now they are here. But I guess it's a lot less scary, first identifying a planet several light years away -that could harbor life and boom the...
  9. Nimara

    How to Contact Aliens

    So, this isn't an incident where I meditated and called forth a UFO. This is opposite of that. I was working on a Opening Piece on Aliens and UFO's for another site, when my own voice, in my head, pops in and say, "Grab your camera, go outside and look up." Being, who I am, I immediately do so...
  10. Nimara

    How to Contact Aliens

    When I meditate I use the half lotus. As laying down to meditate results in the above. As to things happening this year. Sure. But I wouldn't classify it in the same category. The last time I saw a UFO was last year in the summer, which skeptics and debunkers assure me was a blird. (Blurry...
  11. Nimara

    How to Contact Aliens

    I don't know what could be useful about it. I have no recall of the event, as far as the missing time goes. My parents just said that I sleep walked regularly until I was 12/13 years old. Sometimes I woke up under the apple tree, or my mom just about ready to call the police would see me walking...
  12. Nimara

    How to Contact Aliens

    I meditate and suffer sleep paralysis, without ever actually going to sleep. Then the orange and blue orbs come, and I'm over it. I gather up my psi energy and condense it all around myself and then let it burst from me, breaking the paralysis and chasing away the orbs. I wouldn't be comfortable...
  13. Nimara

    Forum Game New Time Travel Game

    Stand out in an open field, hold out your arms and spin and spin and spin, until you loose balance and fall down. Then focus on one thing, or at least try to.... that is how I imagine the sensation of traveling through time to be like.
  14. Nimara

    Hi, I'm Nim.

    Thank you. Just looking around and getting a feel for the forums. It does seem to be a more open minded forum than the one I'm coming from. Not that I don't love my other forum, in the particular areas I frequent on the site. But being an empath, and with current events causing an uproar, I...
  15. Nimara

    Hi, I'm Nim.

    Hello to the community of Paranormalis. I'm not new to forum posting, but I'm searching for a place that is safe to discuss the more "out there topics" in conspiracy. It's difficult to find a place to talk about the paranormal openly and honestly without skeptics and debunkers ruining the...
