Recent content by Occultist

  1. Occultist

    The Oracle of Odds: Deciphering Fate Through Cleromancy

    Cleromancy is a form of divination, a practice spanning cultures, continents, and epochs, used to forecast the future or uncover hidden knowledge through the casting or sorting of lots. Rooted in the belief that seemingly random events can reveal divine will or future occurrences, cleromancy is...
  2. Occultist

    Whispers from the Sky: The Ancient Art of Augury

    Augury refers to an ancient practice used for divining the will of the gods by interpreting omens, especially based on the behavior of birds. The practice is believed to have originated from the Etruscans, a civilization that flourished in Italy before the rise of Rome. It was later adopted by...
  3. Occultist

    The Complete List of Divination Methods (Ancient & Modern)

    Divination has been used by occultists, witches, and priests since the dawn of humanity. It’s not just about predicting the future; it’s also a tool for observing events, places and people from a different perspective and acting upon the received revelations. Whether through tarot cards, runes...
  4. Occultist

    How to Summon Gaap: 3 Powerful Rituals

    In a previous guide on Gaap I elaborated upon his powers and attributes, as well as some items that can be used in a ritual setting to summon him. Being that Gaap has many diverse powers, he can be summoned through different rituals to activate each of them more precisely. I’ve decided to...
  5. Occultist

    Gaap: How to Utilize His Diverse Powers & Attributes

    Gaap is an immensely versatile demon. He is mentioned in several key grimoires, including “The Lesser Key of Solomon” (specifically in the “Ars Goetia,” the first section), the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum,” and the “Dictionnaire Infernal.” He is often ranked as a president and a prince of Hell...
  6. Occultist

    Mammon: Connecting With the Chief Demon of Wealth

    Mammon occupies a significant position within occultism, embodying the quintessential spirit of wealth, greed, and material ambition. Mammon is mentioned in ancient texts where he is considered a deity, whereas medieval and modern occult tradition portrays him as a demon. This is not a...
  7. Occultist

    Demonic Sigils: How to Use for Attunement & Black Magic

    Demonic sigils are specific types of symbols or seals that are used in various magical traditions to represent, summon, or communicate with demonic entities. These symbols are believed to hold the essence or the power of the demon they represent, acting as a focal point for rituals involving...
  8. Occultist

    How to Connect with Goddess Isis: Ritual, Prayer, Offerings..

    Isis, the Egyptian goddess of magic, motherhood, and fertility, stands as a testament to the resilience, love, and wisdom that were revered in ancient Egyptian culture. Her worship transcended borders, making her one of the most universally venerated deities in the ancient world. Isis’...
  9. Occultist

    Working With Seth, the Egyptian God of Chaos

    Seth, known in ancient Egyptian mythology as the god of chaos, deserts, storms, and disorder, plays a complex role within the pantheon. Unlike his fellow deities who often embody more harmonious aspects of existence, Seth represents necessary chaos, embodying the force of change as well as...
  10. Occultist

    Connecting With Osiris, Egyptian God of the Afterlife

    Osiris, in the pantheon of ancient Egypt, stands as a symbol of resurrection, the cyclical nature of life and death, and the promise of eternal life. His story is one of the oldest and most enduring in Egyptian spirituality, embodying the dichotomy of life’s fragility and the enduring nature of...
  11. Occultist

    Ptah, Egyptian God of Arts & Crafts: Rituals, Prayers, Offerings..

    Ptah’s worship and rituals are ancient, tracing back to the Early Dynastic Period, with his cult center in Memphis serving as a hub of artistic and architectural innovation. As the patron deity of craftsmen and builders, Ptah’s influence is embedded in the creation of temples, statues, and...
  12. Occultist

    Watch Out for Fake Demonology Websites

    Since the advent of AI writing software such as ChatGPT, I’ve noticed many spirituality websites popping up out of nowhere. They provide descriptions on various spiritual entities, including demons. Most of these descriptions are fake, the people behind these websites have not studied demonology...
  13. Occultist

    How to Summon Berith

    Berith is the patron demon of the alchemists and in this article I will share a ritual to summon him for the purpose of accelerating one’s alchemical journey. Berith & Alchemy The purpose of the alchemical process is to turn lesser metals into gold. This is at times taken quite literally. But...
  14. Occultist

    On Offerings & Sacrifices

    I often get asked by clients what offerings or sacrifices they should give to spirits in return for their help. That’s a reasonable question. After all, nothing good comes for free. Every action we take, even drawing a breath of fresh air requires an expenditure of energy. This energy is an...
  15. Occultist

    The Importance of Meditation for Ceremonial Magic (10/29/2023)

    Let’s begin by acknowledging that meditation is really useful even if you’re not a magician. Why? Because everyone needs more clarity, focus and all of that good stuff to be a high functioning individual. But why would it be useful for ceremonial magic? Well, for the same reasons. Ritual work...
