Recent content by Ori

  1. O

    Is hell real?

    In answer to your question: Is hell real? To accurately answer this, the question needs to be modified to 'WAS' hell real? YES, hell was real. In the ancient scriptures when the main body of land was known as Mesopotamia, communities of people were constantly warring for domination. As a...
  2. O

    Here it is...

    Time is a measurement defined by a moment. To elaborate on this: The pandimensional equation of matter at a given point in time would generate the perpetual infinity of the moment defined by its calculated measurement, creating the alternate location. Essentially, time is a constant which...
  3. O

    Time travel

    I was appalled to watch a documentary the other night whereby the question of time travel was being discussed with some of the leading minds in quantum physics at universities around the world. When asked what time was, none of them knew how to answer it and stumbled on their ego's to justify a...
  4. O

    About Ori

    Hello everyone. Ori is short for Orion. I simply found this forum by typing in Time Travel Forum. Logical. Many years ago I was visited by an angel. I took the opportunity to ask then and there who I really was. She said it was forbidden and would distract from the meaning and mission of my...
