Recent content by Rosco..Jones

  1. Rosco..Jones

    Questions that may not have answers:

    Still working with the multidimensional reality/simultaneous time framework with reincarnation of a sort involved. Basically I see souls slitting as parts of them are "reincarnated" and live different lives. An "Earth" soul is just one that is focus here for a time. Lives/experiences can be...
  2. Rosco..Jones

    1500 Year old Bible Says Jesus not Crucified

    Exactly! History of all kinds is made up of records that are just books and stories usually written by some unknown. Everyone is free to choose which records they want to believe. For each of us, what we choose impacts our world view and how we interpret the world around us.
  3. Rosco..Jones

    1500 Year old Bible Says Jesus not Crucified

    The Council of Nicea looked at many different versions of books written by various people over the 300 years since Jesus lived. These had changed the stories over the years through misunderstandings, mistranslations, creative editing and some actual fraud. They chose the books and versions that...
  4. Rosco..Jones

    The future of war for better or worse.

    The future of war may be changing sooner than we think. A few years ago NATO was faced with facing a threat from overwhelming Soviet conventional forces. The plan of action to deal with this was to use limited tactical nuclear weapons if necessary. Fortunately, this threat was never put to the...
  5. Rosco..Jones

    many universes

    Having some problem viewing your videos. Here is a short video on dimensions.
  6. Rosco..Jones

    A test for so called time travelers

    Voyageur, Nice to run across another with similar viewpoints. Timelines are more like core probability lines within a probability cloud, that changes as different probable moments are actualized and experienced as reality. As with a light cone, the further away from the present moment you go...
  7. Rosco..Jones

    Time Travel already impossibe ( For this World Line )

    Just a thought. The Earth is spinning and orbiting the sun. The sun is moving and orbiting the galactic center. The galaxy is also moving. When time travel takes place, why does it not end up being out in space, somewhere where the Earth was or will be? Why is it attached to Earth locations?
  8. Rosco..Jones

    Time Travel already impossibe ( For this World Line )

    Talking about the true nature of time (4D) from a physical (3D) perspective is like an inhabitant of a 2D frame trying to describe and explain the nature of a 3D sphere. Both involve communicating concepts and understandings that there are not the ideas nor words for. We may be able to describe...
  9. Rosco..Jones

    Are some more of John Titor's statements coming true?

    From some paper I read years ago, "The Bullshit Principal: Whenever someone tells you something, you must ask yourself, "Would they have ANY reason to be bullshitting me?" If you can think of any possible reason, they probably are." Now as for some of JT's other predictions coming true. He...
  10. Rosco..Jones

    Debate religions fanatics

    I do not understand your comment on terrorism. I believe it exists. Please explain. Terrorism: the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims
  11. Rosco..Jones

    Debate religions fanatics

    They never tell them they will always be virgins. No nooky for you.
  12. Rosco..Jones

    Alien Message to Mankind: "Do You Wish That We Show Up?"

    True. From their perspective, if you were an explorer observing a tribe of warlike cannibals, would you walk in and say hello?
  13. Rosco..Jones

    Reincarnation, multidimensional reality & simultaneous time

    I saw your mention of a mobius format and have some thoughts that may be of interest to you. I was always fascinated by the idea of the mobius strip being 2 dimensional and yet having only one side and one edge, due to also having a 180 degree twist. The concept of infinity opens up the...
  14. Rosco..Jones

    Reincarnation, multidimensional reality & simultaneous time

    Once again I would like to refer you to some of Jane Roberts/Seth books on dreams. I feel these will better assist you in understanding the events you describe than I can do here. Do a Google search on books by her and check one or two out. In dreams we are not focused on physical reality. In...
  15. Rosco..Jones

    How something appears is always a matter of perspective

    As in the Checkershadow Illusion, the TV show Brain Games shows how the mind often interprets things erroneously. As wyldberi said, our experiences build filters through which we analyze future experiences. Essentially we each live in a unique reality tailored to the experiences we have...
