Recent content by RuleBreaker

  1. RuleBreaker

    3D Cube Illusion

  2. RuleBreaker

    Send Your Name To Mars

    Do you want to be part of history? Do you want your name on Mars? Do you want to get this: Now you can, you can do it by clicking here
  3. RuleBreaker


    Most people are "addicted" to Facebook because of chat. They go to chat with their friends for free, but when there isn`t anyone online they start looking photos playing games and doing stupid quiz. I use it only for chat, it`s really easy to chat with friends from abroad :)
  4. RuleBreaker

    Trophies Points

    Cool ;) Thank you for your help, you can close this now
  5. RuleBreaker

    Hello Everyone :))

    Thank you, I`ll call some friends to come and join ;)
  6. RuleBreaker

    What Will Happen On 19.03.2011. (tomorrow)

    Credit: NASA I mean no disrespect for those who enjoy the study of astrology. Some of the greatest astronomers of the past were also astrologers. To practice either line requires a deep understanding of our solar system, its movements and the relationship to the celestial sphere. The only thing...
  7. RuleBreaker

    Nasa Scientist Finds Alien Microbes Inside Meteorite

    WOW Cool :) Thank you for sharing
  8. RuleBreaker

    Trophies Points

    What are trophie points and what I can do with them? :)
  9. RuleBreaker

    Hello Everyone :))

    Thank you :) But is there more members?? I always see same members :\
  10. RuleBreaker

    Hello Everyone :))

    Hey :) I`m new to this forum, I`m not sure will I stay cuz I don`t really believe in aliens....but nevermind :D
  11. RuleBreaker

    How did you find Paranormalis ?

    I found out for this forum from
  12. RuleBreaker

    Is This A Real Alien !?!

    It`s FAKE!!! If it`s real it wouldn`t be there :D
  13. RuleBreaker

    Real or fake

    is this real or fake?
