Recent content by Sean

  1. Sean

    Debate Is time travel possible?

    Your rhetoric is amusing, but no, I'm not going to "quote false travelers" though however tempting it is to make spur another round of argument; I shall leave that for another time to satisfy my own amusement. The proof of time travel is all around you. The computer that you have right now is...
  2. Sean

    Debate Is time travel possible?

    Time travel is possible. It has already been invented and experimented on. No, it's not used by the military of any country. And no, it's not made by CERN. You see the computer in front of you? Well it's actually made available when someone sent a blueprint of the integrated circuit via laser...
  3. Sean

    Time travel, Free Will, and Multiverse

    At least do me the favor to read the comment. Don't be afraid to lose an argument, but if you're going to lose, then lose with dignity. I could have done the same thing to your argument. Here's a perfectly legitimate example. This is just way too misinterpreted to reply to. You focus on the...
  4. Sean

    Time travel, Free Will, and Multiverse

    Did you mean, "I don't want to reply because I don't want to read that long thread?" Here, I'll help you by making a simplified version: Don't ask someone's age when you want information. If you do insist on finding out someone's age, you have to give a better excuse than, "I don't really...
  5. Sean

    Time travel, Free Will, and Multiverse

    Modern English writing tools aside, I wish to go into an aside on theories. Much of what makes up the fundamentals and beyond in modern science is theories, so your scorn on 'theories' is not needed and highly misinterpreted. You have no reason to believe this information that I'm giving...
  6. Sean

    Time travel, Free Will, and Multiverse

    I am, as a matter of fact, speaking from experience. As to my authority, all of the information I disclose is proven by experimentation, not by simple "observations" of other's work or "theories"; I am highly offended by your misuse of quotations in this situation. Instead of asking me, I...
  7. Sean

    Time travel, Free Will, and Multiverse

    Where did you get this information from? Did you think of this yourself? This information is exactly correct with a few minor explanation flaws - - Time travel to the past indeed does not create new world lines. However, it doesn't reveal new world lines either. You are merely "existing" in...
  8. Sean

    Debate Is time travel possible?

    Addressed to user walt willis: I'm skeptical that there are other "time travelers" besides my project group. Therefore, as a test, I would like you to answer some of my questions. 1. If you got back from the 1950's, then how do you know you didn't change the world completely? 2. If you...
  9. Sean

    Debate Is time travel possible?

    I am in direct contact with Connor Stein, the person who posted first in this website. We simply built 3 mini particle colliders set up as described ( one horizontal, two vertical ). When the leptons on the verticals collide, mini singularities that appear are in non-rotating cycles that create...
  10. Sean

    Debate Is time travel possible?

    Time travel is possible, and I know the method. I've already sent my idea to the Swiss academy of sciences; I was placed on the wait list. Ten days ago, they contacted me with a message stating they are looking into it, and that my theory, I quote: "bears an interesting consideration."
  11. Sean

    Working Model of Time Travel

    Wait, what the hell is this. Is this real or fake? Can someone debunk this? Why would a time traveler post something like this on this website? Everything that he (or she) is saying makes sense, but I'm not convinced. It's probably fake, but can anyone refute his arguements?
  12. Sean


    Article about 50 states succeeding from the Union. Opinions? White House 'secede' petitions reach 660,000 signatures, 50-state participation | The Daily Caller
  13. Sean

    Forum Game The Word Association

    Nazis (lol)
  14. Sean

    Forum Game The Word Association

  15. Sean

    Forum Game The Word Association

