Recent content by Titortastic

  1. T

    The future of war for better or worse.

    Maybe fallout isn't too out of the realm of reality lol. Pack your bags and get your canned food ready. Its gonna be a messy one.
  2. T

    Hypnosis: A Fancy Word For Mind Control

    There are ways of hypnosis that are out of our control. Just look at any behind the scenes videos of Bill Clinton lol. Simply willing someone into hypnosis depends entirely on the mind of the subject. Our government has the means to hypnotize through the means of drugs and trauma on an...
  3. T

    Chronokinesis, and Quantum Jumping?

    Forgive me i'm not very intelligent when it comes to these things, but would deja vu be of the same topic? If we are in a multiverse or ...every infinite outcome is happening simultaneously. Would our mind pick up on alternative parallelism? We've all felt that moment where we've been there before.
  4. T

    Quitting smoking costs too much

    Bleh lol. Its probably because they put just as much chemicals in your food and water as your cigarettes. My girlfriend is a smoker and for the life of me i'm trying to get her to quite but she's addicted. I say there are no good side effects to smoking no matter how you want to justify it...
  5. T

    The Ultimate Game

    While i dont hold the bible to be the full translation of God, i am spiritual. I do believe that the reckoning is coming, and that the all powerful of this nation will feel the stings of their vile nature. I wrote this piece in another forum that i believe goes well with your views :) And...
  6. T

    Will 2012 Elections be the catalyst of a Civil War in the U.S. that John Titor warned us about?

    Not for nothing but were pretty much damned either way. The ONLY good thing i see about Romney is his repealing of the affordable care act, but other than that i dont see a good scenario for either canidate. If i'm right about my scenario of the NWO it wont matter who is in office, we've seen...
  7. T

    The Ultimate Game

    So i was wondering if anyone has heard or read the Otto Skorzeny testimony on his death bed It's quite the read so you may want to get a beer and some snacks (Beer for taking it all in) So here is my theory (If any aspect is true):: Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, The Bush clan and some very...
  8. T

    Thankyou :) I'm still on the fence of him being a time traveler but i can't deny his stories...

    Thankyou :) I'm still on the fence of him being a time traveler but i can't deny his stories amazing coincidences and foreknowledge of events and very secretive information during the dial up days. And no one can deny the sheer exemplary human being John was and the expansive story within...
  9. T

    New Blood

    I actually looked up conspiracy theory forums online and then Time Travel Conspiracy Theory and this was one of the sites recommended :) I hope to learn and be perceptive to as much as contribute Thankyou for the welcome
  10. T

    What all time travelers are saying?

    That is a very interesting observation. But i doubt the Navy denying its involvment has any more credence than the stories told by the ones that were there. The government heads denying involvement in big events has been going on for years. I dont think it happened on another timeline for two...
  11. T

    New Blood

    Thankyou, its about time lol
  12. T

    Timetraveler2063 Questions and Comments

    I have a question for TT2063, Does Nikola Tesla finally get the renowned credit and implimentation of his work and theories?
  13. T

    I wonder what its like to end up in another time with no real means of going back

    I wonder what its like to end up in another time with no real means of going back
  14. T

    New Blood

    I've been itching for a place to legitimately talk about time travel and other conspiracies in a productive way rather than just needless back and forth ego facades. Hopefully this will be the place :)
