Recent content by ttorfilmer

  1. T

    My encounter with John Titor?

    Hi sam. As stated, I'm not sure this was JT, but his description of time travel (which I found later) and what happened seemed to match. I was 15. I am 18 now. Considering I had just undergone a surgery repairing tendons around my ankle, it hurt to put pressure down and I couldn't really stand...
  2. T

    My encounter with John Titor?

    I know I will probably catch a lot of flak for this story, but I only recently told it to one person (Who ironically isn’t speaking to me anymore. Who would’ve thought?) This occurred 3 years ago and as much as I wish it wasn’t, this is a true story. I swear. I had recently began reading on...
  3. T

    John Titor - off by a decade?

    Ok I'm getting addicted to commenting on these blogs. It's nice to finally meet like minded people who don't brush this off as some internet hoax. Personally, I think a lot of John's posts were code for something bigger. Call it a feeling. I can't prove it by any means other than the divergence...
  4. T

    Titor's Secret Song

    I wasn't really trying to solve the secret song. It was just my theory. Even if I knew, it wouldn't bring us any closer to finding out who John really was/is. Or where he is now. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.
  5. T

    Titor's Secret Song

    I would make a post about my work, but most of my vids are vlogs lol. And I would report it, but it was anonymous. I tried tracing an IP. It was public domain. Free internet access on a public server. In other words, untraceable.
  6. T

    Titor's Secret Song

    Ok. I'm new here but a lot of you will know me from my YouTube channel. My friend and I were shooting a full length series on John Titor when someone anonymous sent me a message with my address and a warning that I would die if I finished my work. No lie. Anywho, from my research I have come to...
