Recent content by WPInvestigationTeam

  1. WPInvestigationTeam

    Media "I haven't been feeling.. left out" EVP.

    Hey guys! we have captured this EVP back last year and would like to share it will you all, we believe that this woman spirit is saying "I haven't been feeling left out" In an English accent. But feel free to tell us what you hear. The pop you hear right before the EVP is called "para-popping"...
  2. WPInvestigationTeam

    Media Our EVP Compilation.

    No problems, thank you for watching anyway. We guess that sometimes you need a good ear to hear EVP's.
  3. WPInvestigationTeam

    Hello From England

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here!
  4. WPInvestigationTeam

    Going on another investigation tonight, let's hope it will be active!

    Going on another investigation tonight, let's hope it will be active!
  5. WPInvestigationTeam

    Media Our EVP Compilation.

    For those of you who do not know what EVP stands for it means "Electronic Voice Phenomenon" this means that during recording with a voice recorder or any machinery that is capable of recording audio picks up a voice that was not heard with the human ear at the time. Some say that these are the...
  6. WPInvestigationTeam

    Hello everyone!

    We would like to start by introducing ourselves, we are only a two person paranormal research team based in the United Kingdom South Wales, Our names are Tom and Kelly. We have been a team for the last 4 and a half years collecting "evidence" of the other side, although we do not think our...
