Recent content by writer2036

  1. W

    Forum Game The Word Association

  2. W

    Thoughts on UFO disclosure?

    Amelia thinks that UFO Disclosure will not be announced officially. She thinks if they do ever disclose it will be quietly mentioned in the media in a unclear and cryptic manner. Amelia also said that you can never know everything there is to know because when you think you know everything it...
  3. W

    Thoughts on UFO disclosure?

    It's not on the news Minita because it's because it is not being investigated by Journalists. That is how Amelia and I like it. We like our privacy and she does not always be here in this dimension and or realm all the time. In fact she only just got back less than a week ago from some important...
  4. W

    Debate Brains of Introverts Reveal Why They Prefer Being Alone

    I'm neither extroverted or introverted. I am somewhere between the two types.
  5. W

    Thoughts on UFO disclosure?

    I think it's more along the lines of this world is full of strange mysteries and amazing things to be discovered. The only reason anything is ever strange or mysterious to us is due to us not knowing or comprehending what we see with all our 5 senses. I don't believe we are limited to just 5...
  6. W

    Thoughts on UFO disclosure?

    It is difficult to see the alien I am in contact with but not impossible as my buddy Floyd saw her a few years back and promptly freaked out. All she said to him was Hello and she looks like a semi transparent human most of the time but with a bright glow to her. She can make herself look...
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    Thoughts on UFO disclosure?

    The alien can be in contact with me because she lives with me and has done so for nearly 24 years now. She is energy based in physicality and can take any form she likes within limits of her own base mass. She told me that hundreds of millions of years ago her people were a bipedal physical...
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    Thoughts on UFO disclosure?

    After reading through all the posts here it feels like everyone is thinking too one sided and not broader enough. I am of the opinion that there are dozens of alien races and factions actively involved with Earth right now and they could be perceived as good, bad and everything between those...
  9. W

    What time are you in?

    How and in what way would you consider Australia living in the future?
  10. W

    artist rendition

    Thanks for clearing that up for me. = ) She does look a bit odd. I have to sleep now though as it is very late where I am be back tomorrow night night
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    artist rendition

    Interesting thank you BlastTyrant.
  12. W

    artist rendition

    I read it all but I still am confused as to why Dave is using her image. Is it because she l0oks similar to artists rendition of the alien Peter Khoury encountered? I also watched an interview about Peter Khoury on youtube and it seems like he has the strongest case I have ever heard for a real...
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    Video from my Dvr ir cam

    I saw it. Interesting.
  14. W

    artist rendition

    Who is the teenage girl and how is she related to this if at all?
