1200+ rabbis urge Congress to welcome Syrian refugees into US


Senior Member
This is from HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. I put it in the conspiracy section because, to me, it looks like the supposed opposition between jews and muslims is entirely fake.

We, Rabbis from across the country, call on our elected officials to exercise moral leadership for the protection of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

Since its founding, the United States has offered refuge and protection to the world’s most vulnerable. Time and time again, those refugees were Jews. Whether they were fleeing pogroms in Tzarist Russia, the horrors of the Holocaust or persecution in Soviet Russia or Iran, our relatives and friends found safety on these shores.

We are therefore alarmed to see so many politicians declaring their opposition to welcoming refugees.

Last month’s heartbreaking attacks in Paris and Beirut are being cited as reasons to deny entry to people who are themselves victims of terror. And in those comments, we, as Jewish leaders, see one of the darker moments of our history repeating itself.

In 1939, the United States refused to let the S.S. St. Louis dock in our country, sending over 900 Jewish refugees back to Europe, where many died in concentration camps. That moment was a stain on the history of our country – a tragic decision made in a political climate of deep fear, suspicion and antisemitism. The Washington Post released public opinion polling from the early 1940’s, showing that the majority of U.S. citizens did not want to welcome Jewish refugees to this country in those years.

In 1939, our country could not tell the difference between an actual enemy and the victims of an enemy. In 2015, let us not make the same mistake.

We therefore urge our elected officials to support refugee resettlement and to oppose any measures that would actually or effectively halt resettlement or prohibit or restrict funding for any groups of refugees.

As Rabbis, we take seriously the biblical mandate to “welcome the stranger.” We call on our elected officials to uphold the great legacy of a country that welcomes refugees.

1000+ Rabbis Sign Letter In Support of Welcoming Refugees

Knowing full well that muslim Syrian refugees are rapists and murderers, they want to bring them to the US. Either they are terribly misguided or intentionally malevolent.


Senior Member
Now, it's not just jews that are doing things like this. Some christian churches in the US are shielding illegal immigrants from central America and such places from deportation:

Churches offer sanctuary for immigrants facing deportation

I think the ultimate point is that religion and politics should not be mixed, regardless of your beliefs. I wouldn't imagine that these rabbis speak for all jews, as there are a couple of members on Paranormalis who seem like decent people. Similarly, I know for a fact that pastors don't speak for all christians. Having said that, welcoming refugees or illegals is a bad idea that will backfire.


Active Member
Just get rid of all governments and their imaginary lines. Then everyone can go wherever they like without all the nonsense. The new nonsense will work itself out because people will then be free to correct issues using free market principles instead of being forced into grossly inadequate state solutions that usually exacerbate.

The root issue is statism. National boundaries isolate and segregate cultures into national identities that compete through war and economics. It creates adversarialism of the masses, whereas the lack of statism would leave it to individuals and small sects of differing cultures to learn to get along via natural means.

Additionally, most of these issues between Jews, Christians and Muslims, Middle Eastern and Western culture, are fostered by state propaganda that tells it's audience to generalize, to fear and hate each other. (Not to mention the ME are sick of the military industrial complex dropping bombs on them for decades) The religions themselves are not in conflict, but rather siblings who all worship the deity of Abraham Issac and Jacob. There is much more common ground than there are differences, as is recognized by the three.


Senior Member
@Japrim I disagree with your comments on borders and segregation. National borders, when enforced, preserve order and promote peace by allowing citizens to go about their daily lives without fear of being invaded and killed. Even the Chinese were able to build the great wall so long ago, so why is it so hard to get something like that done today with modern technology?

You may be right about the religious stuff. I'm critical of it, myself, but I value the freedom to choose one way or another. My opposition in this case stems merely from the politicization of it.


Active Member
@Japrim I disagree with your comments on borders and segregation. National borders, when enforced, preserve order and promote peace by allowing citizens to go about their daily lives without fear of being invaded and killed. Even the Chinese were able to build the great wall so long ago, so why is it so hard to get something like that done today with modern technology?

Operative word: enFORCED

Statism does anything BUT promote peace. Statism has violated or murdered more people throughout history than any other entity and/or organization, arguably than all others combined.

Show me any major social issue, and I can show you how either it is created by government, or could be corrected much more effectively and efficiently through free market principled solutions. Borders are only one example.

Borders are imaginary lines created by governments on paper, are backed with FORCE, and violate the right to free travel , among others things. In their absence, the current issues would work themselves out.


Active Member
You may be right about the religious stuff. I'm critical of it, myself, but I value the freedom to choose one way or another. My opposition in this case stems merely from the politicization of it.

How humans do religion on this planet is one of the biggest issues in my opinion.

It has turned into overgrown politicized fear mongering warring death cults instead of for fellowship and sharing, the search for answers and connection to God. ...or whatever righteous intent it should be for.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good religious folks doing a lot of good in the world. It is that 20% or so that screw it up for the rest of us and give it a bad name. It's a mess. Where do I start?


Senior Member
The more I think about this, the more I think they're probably just naively acting out of a misplaced sense of altruism. It's easy for me to forget, but when I was younger, I was religious, went to church, considered everyone in the world to be equals, and could easily have been described in many ways as a liberal. But I also hadn't had any real world experience. It wasn't until I moved to another state and experienced life as a minority in my own country, with the accompanying discrimination by foreigners, that I realized the folly of diversity and multiculturalism. Religious people from all the organized religions, I think, tend to socialize with others in their group in such a way that their naive ideas of how the world should be are reinforced and become accepted as fact. It's then easy to see why they work together to try to help people that maybe shouldn't be.

Islam really has no place in the civilized world, though. That has been proven time and time again. One thing you can count on is that they will not share your altruism.

There may be a conspiracy here, but after much thought, I think most of it is just human nature and wishful thinking.


I don't think that many Jews want the destruction of western civilization. I think many Jews are ignorant and are being brainwashed into being anti-Israel and anti-western. And for those that do want it, they must realize that they have been used as useful fools, and that Muslims would not stop at wiping out the Christians, but they would also go after the Jews. Muslims are looking for a 100% Muslim world, and want us to go back to the Dark Ages.
