1500 Year old Bible Says Jesus not Crucified


The Council of Nicea looked at many different versions of books written by various people over the 300 years since Jesus lived. These had changed the stories over the years through misunderstandings, mistranslations, creative editing and some actual fraud. They chose the books and versions that suited what they wanted the story to be. This was partly to keep the Church having a position of power and to unify the various versions as one "Official" set. Many books were left out because they did not go along with this goal and not necessarily because they were not telling valid parts of the story. The Church today has fractured into many different versions of Christianity. Each interprets their version of the Bible in their own way.

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures is a revised and updated translation of the Sacred Gnostic Texts. It is a very interesting alternative/supplement to the conventional versions of the New Testament. Two books it contains are the Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) and the Gospel of Judas. In it there was a Crucifixion, but it was a person standing in for Jesus. Jesus escaped and lived with the Essenes, the Jewish sect that Joseph and Mary belonged to. Eventually while on a journey with a group of them, they were attacked by a band of desert robbers. During this event Jesus was killed.

There are lots of books and stories involving Jesus and the days that he lived. The 1,500 year old version of the Bible mentioned in this post is but one of many that tell a story that differs from our standard "Official" Bible. It is up to each of us to decide what and in which we want to believe.


Perhaps the scriptures you have told us about is just another of "those books and stories" like all the others ;):D

Exactly! History of all kinds is made up of records that are just books and stories usually written by some unknown. Everyone is free to choose which records they want to believe. For each of us, what we choose impacts our world view and how we interpret the world around us.


Senior Member
Perhaps the scriptures you have told us about is just another of "those books and stories" like all the others ;):D

Exactly! History of all kinds is made up of records that are just books and stories usually written by some unknown. Everyone is free to choose which records they want to believe. For each of us, what we choose impacts our world view and how we interpret the world around us.
There have been instances when archaeology has been able to determine that an ancient story was in error.
Berossus gave us Oannes, for example, who was supposedly some fish-man that walked up out of the Persian Gulf. It's been determined that Berossus got the story wrong and it was actually the story of Adapa he was mutilating. Adapa was a human being in an ancient story from Sumer.

Today, Oannes is known to be Adapa, and Berossus' version is known to be one of those "misunderstandings."



Senior Member
More Fairy Tales Hartey, and i fully believed you to be a very strict down to earth guy :eek::D joking mate! lol
Fairy tale, yes, no doubt about it.

However, it's a fairy tale that had to be corrected back to the original version - in modern times. That was my point.

Just because people get things wrong, make up stuff, mistranslate, etc., that doesn't make the original story unknowable in every case.

Adapa's is an interesting fairy tale. You can read it here: link.

There's also this about him:
Adapa is often identified as advisor to the mythical first (antediluvian) king of Eridu, Alulim. In addition to his advisory duties, he served as a priest and exorcist, and upon his death took his place among the Seven Sages or Apkallū. (Apkallu "sage", comes from Sumerian AB.GAL "great water", a reference to Adapa the first sage's association with water.)

The Apkallu are what the ignorant on the internet refer to as the "Anunnaki." Like these Apkallu:


