250,000 USD


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
well i have been raking my brain for the past 4 months now ,because i want to move on with this project and leave my job to do this full, time, so far im probably the only one who is dead on serious about making this, i have been recenthly and want to push on forward i had the help of many here to help me clear out the theory part of things and there are tons of plans posted here,that if i may add submitted myself to Num7 for free, some of them might be the real deal certainly not any of gibbs plans as i have tried a lot of them without any result , but my faith rest with the PX, not the montauk Project , i am still convince that i could creat a device small and easy and safe to carry that would allow someone to timeslip as i mention in my daily update, so i will be working more on the equation T=F1


Junior Member
well.. I promise you the secret to dimensional time travel has nothing to do with money.. you can do it for few bucks.. the money is for the efforts and to get people off their asses and to bring it to life

also.. doctor z what is it that you do in life? are you inventor? or scientist? or what

I'm very serious about this.. If it was up to me I would get oppie and Arnold paula and harte and time flipper and everyone who is serious member here .. I'm sure I have spellings I cant remember names this is why I call him oppie but the green letter genius.. I would bring gibbs and hdr kid and whomever I could put all minds together and send one back .. yes I want back not forward but backward.. not that I will complain if I end up forward.. anything is ok and worth the effort.. I want one of us to go back.. it is possible.. I will do it even if it means I lose my life.. I agree to sign all document as I said.. there got to be a way to move back in time and it can be found in the 21st century by civilians... eventually it is found its just matter of time..

you do know dimensional time travel eventually is discovered.. but I'm trying to fast forward and avoid all the computer virtual reality when they take you back to 1920 via virtual reality journeys and character and all this BS.. I am pretty much going 22nd century with 21st group of people.. this community deserve it

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I have been part of a few chats with Dr Z, and have seen over timenomore site. He is very knowledgeable atleast from what I can tell (I don't know much!).

mistertime, you do sound serious. I hope you catch attention of some genius and not wrong people.


this is what I will give to anyone who gets me to physically time travel.

I tried everything on this forum, I tried to bring groups together to work on it, I tried to go more than just talk on a forum, I tried to really encourage more than just discussion; Therefor I am willing to actually reward 250,000 USD to anyone who physically prove to me time travel is possible.

There are no conditions, I do not have to get back to this timeline and/or dimension so it saves you the effort of getting me back.

do it and you have 250,000 USD.

Anyone who is interested, If you are serious, contact me.
I cannot make any promises, but I may be able to work something out.

The payment will not be necessary.
I would like to go back also......
Same here


Junior Member
well if you never try you never know..

I know there are people here who been in this field for a very long time and worked for "deep state" I'm aware of this but paranoia wont get you from point a to point infinite

i like doctor z... he has very few people watching his videos which is a shame but maybe it's for the better since less "wrong people" and scammers will try to fuck things up

sadly the human species is full of fuck ups and kids who just like discussions about subjects like that and not really bring it into fruition

obviously on this site it seems like there is hope

again i have no doubt that means i have zero (0) doubt that dimensional time travel is possible and doable PHYSICALLY.. i don't believe its to the same universe but another timeline that belong in another universe.. simply a different loop in space.. weather its similar to this one or not doesn't matter to me in the 21st century

9th Wave

Junior Member
Yes, I know all about the lost people in the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's and the early years. Mars was the Teleportation Project for years like star-gate. And others were the Montauk Projects and other nu-named time travel programs. Back in the mid 1960's and 1970's was when high numbers of people were lost due to teleportation and time travel programs which was not working very well and not stability from one jump to the next.

The main adjective that led into projects like Star-Gate & the "Mar's travels" astray, were thee insignificant amount of data to correlate the distance between the logistical values in quantum physics & it's momentum to travel throughout the atomic mass in space's mass.
As to whether or not, the military personal would ever in fact 'pin-point' into a location at the light-velocity of space-travels gravitational-pull, it was indefinitely uncertain, therefor as will be your travel's if not properly done.
(Especially mars travels)

The real factor the government never explained within the travels on mars, were the energy-emulations occurring here with similar signature on mar's, that direct into space from certain anomalies through bend in mass & matter through space...
Occurring in certain places on earth; which can be best observed in places such as the "Bermuda-Triangle".
The mega-magnetic electrical properties surge in certain area's giving off certain frequency & range outburst's with positive/negativity constrictions.
(These were known to scientist's as loop anomalies), also one of the defining factor's for the mar's travels in the first place.

So there are indifferent values in "time-travel" as to physical travel itself, there is no guarantee you'll be able to come back.
Not all time travel is exact as you would have to know it, some of the early project's, jet pilots would end up 30 mins in the future but 50 miles ahead.
There was no telling where you would end up unless knowing the precise location in which the "Bodies physicality" will obtain actual'Time-loss'.
To travel in space, is to travel in time.
