30 Day Raw Food Experiment


Senior Member
Re: 30 Day Raw Food Experiment

Your ascended master with the Korean name has you buying Scotch and not Soju?
I swear I think he's Mongolian.
And, hey, so he's well-traveled. What's he supposed to do, lama around the house all day for these past millenia?

Have you misbehaved lately?
Okay, I'll admit it, it has been a while. You mocking me?

So how long have you been studying Shinanju?
Ever since The Wissex killed my first ascended master, Daim Haird Lukk



Senior Member
Re: 30 Day Raw Food Experiment

This should be interesting; Please explain how an ascended master was killed after ascending.
Was he perhaps kidding, just sort of ascended, you know, like the poor sod that hadn't really reached the end when the refuse chaps were passing through the town, clanging that bell and calling out "Bring Out Yer Dead! , Bring Out yer Dead!" and the poor sod says "I'm feeling much better, really" and is dispatched? Are you following the wrong path? It has been known to happen you know. Look what happened to poor Eddy and his made up computer equipment used in ancient times to create a market to sell Groliers Encyclopedias a few thousand years later. Find a need and fill it, that's wot I always say.

""You mocking me?""
You had to ask? Iffin ah recolect rightly, yourn opus 1 salvo across the crik what started the whole Hatfield / McCoy
shindig from the get go.

""Ever since The Wissex killed my first ascended master, Daim Haird Lukk""

Hmm, lucky for you it wasn't Whang Hung Lo or his student, Bhat Yue Bung. Both can be very selfish and neither learned the niceties of anything resembling easy.

"Wissex"? the anglo saxon heathen community where In the towns I am tracked by phantoms having weird detective ways— was the norm?


Re: 30 Day Raw Food Experiment

This should be interesting; Please explain how an ascended master was killed after ascending.
Was he perhaps kidding, just sort of ascended, you know, like the poor sod that hadn't really reached the end when the refuse chaps were passing through the town, clanging that bell and calling out "Bring Out Yer Dead! , Bring Out yer Dead!" and the poor sod says "I'm feeling much better, really" and is dispatched? Are you following the wrong path? It has been known to happen you know.

I heard it was horrible. There he was just afloatin' in the depths of the astral ether when somebody yanked his silver chord real hard and the poor bastard ascended too quickly. Died from the metaphysical bends he did.

Terrible way to die but at least he had a complete understanding of it. Heard his last words were "Gunga galunga". Very tragic.


Senior Member
Re: 30 Day Raw Food Experiment

Holy Shit!! any fool knows you don't go yanking folks by their silver cord! Christ on a crutch! Look at the damage Maxwell's Silver hammer does to the unaware and even the aware for that matter.

Course, it's not as dire as all that, he translated from the metaphysical bends see, didn't die, no siree, jus translated see.

...Gunga, Gunga Lagunga. Damn, and I'm betting he was holding a 4 wood when he chanted that. That Carl Spackler sure got his total consciousness the hard way didn't he.

Just shows to go you that even even knowing the Dalai Lama, nothing is a sure bet about the journey.

Why, that's like finding the lamp, the genii appears, you wish that the equipment touched the ground and {{{WHAM}}} you're legs are now 2" long.


Active Member
Re: 30 Day Raw Food Experiment

Maxwell Edison's silver hammer sure did knock in it's fair share of pretty heads. Too bad Rose and Valerie couldn't save him.


Senior Member
Re: 30 Day Raw Food Experiment

Flies must have been on a strike in liverpool to let a sumptuous repast like that slide by.

Such are the vagaries whilst refereeing as a walrus.

Now, where's that butty gone off to...
