911 on my clock


Junior Member
So I have heard of this with 11:11, online I guess there's this community of people who always see that time on their clocks everyday and they are I guess trying to figure out why. And I think there is something like that for other times.

Well mine is 9:11, everyday, I think really everyday since the 911 attacks, I happen to look at my clock (either on my phone or computer) and at least once and often twice a day I look at precisely that minute.

Thing is I lost one of my best friends in the attacks, he worked on the 105 floor of the first building right where the plane crashed. He had only worked there 6 months, I had last seen him just before he started working there. We were really close.

So I don't really need the reminder, but there is it, like I can't help it, I just always look at that time. I am guessing because of my sort of psychic link with the event through my friend. But it just sort of gets annoying or I guess I should REPETITIVE! LOL, .. after all of these years.. I hadn't thought about it necessarily MEANING anything until recently I heard about people finding things like this significant (with other times though)..

Any thoughts, similar experiences??

Thank you!!


New Member
I have had this happen to me as well. I always just took it as a time that stood out and i would catch on my watch. Only thing out of the ordinary was the morning of sept, 11, 2001 i was having a bad dream. I dreamt that i was on top of a building and i blew up one across from where i was at. It came crashing down with a huge cloud of smoke, then my building went the same way. I woke up to my mom telling me that a plane crashed into one of the twin towers. Then everyone knows the rest. Messed up thing is i was explaining what i saw to my mother before it happened.


Senior Member
I just realized that this has happened to me frequently with 666. l happen to look at my odometer and and see 666. My fast food receipt will read $6.66 on numerous times. I just tell the devil he is a blanking loser but this is weird as it happens all the time.


Junior Member
The same thing goes on with me. It drive's me nut's trying to figure out why i too see 9:11 on a clock. But in my case, at least as far as i know, i had no family or friend's anywhere near new york when the tower's fell. I think it mean's a bunch of different thing's, but i just can't figure it out. At time's i will think it means i am supposed to join some branch of the military and at other time's i think that somehow my existence had somehow caused it (and i know that sound's really out there but, hey, this is a site for people who are really out there lol).


Senior Member
Double/triple/quadruple digits is something that you begin paying attention to because it's "order out of chaos". I found that once I started paying attention to it, I saw it quite a bit... Because I was looking for it and assigning arbitrary meaning to something that would have happened anyways.
