October 2015 Updates


Alternate Histories and Timelines
Did you know that we now have a new forum section? Come and discuss with us about all things related to alternate histories and timelines. What if Hitler won WWII? What if dinosaurs evolved instead of man? What if the big bang didn't happen? What if...

More info: New Forum Section: Alternate Histories and Timelines

Chat Event on October 14th!
Yup, we're going to have a chat event on October 14th. It's gonna be a general community chat with no predefined topic, so bring on your infinite imagination and let's have a great time! See you on Wednesday October 14th, at 8:00 PM EST. Let us know if you'll be there!

More info: Paranormalis Chat Event: Wednesday October 14th 2015, 8:00 PM EST

More chat events are coming!

Featured Discussions
Here's a quick list of our coolest discussions of the moment:

Meet An Alien (Grey)
What are your belief systems?
What does my future hold for me? + 2015 prediction
What Makes You Believe in Time Travel?
I saw a dragon when I was 6..... Need answers

Don't miss anything!
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to make sure you don't miss anything of what happens on the forum! You'll be able to receive updates of all our newly posted discussions and more!

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We're THE place to discuss paranormal and time travel!
You want to discuss weird stuff? Want to validate your crazy theory involving aliens and an evil time traveling AI? Paranormalis is the perfect place to engage and discuss with great members without concerns of being made fun of or anything. Why? Because we love that stuff too, that's why!

Take care and see you on the forum! :)

