Alien Caught on Tape Behind Car (CREEPY!)



We take a look at footage of a supposed alien that was caught on tape behind a car. This video was taken in Fremont, California on September 11, 2016 at around 11:00 PM. The alleged alien sighting footage was then submitted to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) and was listed as a sighting of a real alien being. The person who took this video of the alien creature claims they did not see it until examining it later.
I am a believer in alien beings for sure and this is what I think. The two that seem to pop out at me is the one on the roof that looks humanoid. How many people do we know that have such straight leg limbs, no muscle tone at all in the one especially where it is squatting down. The upper body is bulky and what is going on with the head? Glare they say, well could be. And the second one is the last one. It looks real enough and what caught my eye was the mouth being open at death. All in all very interesting and thought provoking, thank you for sharing this with us. :)
