Alien language


Senior Member

Forum is talking about the alien language and I will talk about the little that I know.

Pam was an alien human hybrid friend of mine. She told me that I needed to learn their language "venari" as I knew a little, but my diction was poor.

She grabs an apple and yells "HOBI CHAT"

HOBI means RED and CHAT means FRUIT.

I began to learn the alien language. I speak venari now, but I know the hybrid version.

Hybrids chop up words and rip out pieces. It is like an American who says. "Yo bro wazzup! Howya doin' bro?"

Let me explain to you the process. Hybrids teach other hybrids what they know, but the results are less than optimum.

Pam thought that she could teach me French, except that it was a disaster as she had learned her French from other hybrids in the off world colonies and what they speak is about as close to real French as Créole is.


Those of you that know French can laugh at my expense.

Pam grabs an apple and yells "POOOOME"

It is "POM" by the way.

Here is another example, of what was going on.

ENGLISH - Kind sir, where might you be going?

Actually, it is close to this one.

FRENCH - Bon monsieur, où allez-vous?

Pam taught me.

Mon chéri, où pouvez-tu remarcher?

This is close to

My darling, where are you walking?

Except the grammatical construction is all wrong.

People did not understand what I was saying.

I would try variations such as

Mon ami, où tu pouvez aller?

My friend, where you go?

People told me it was wrong once again.

Finally, I tried to shorten it some.

Mon ami, où vas-tu?

French people told me that I am suppose to not use "tu" and instead employ "vous" as it is more polite and less coarse.

When a blind person leads another blind person, both end up in a pit.
