
Active Member
P.S.: I hope I'm not offending you.

The dead girl, my beloved friend;

What's with the dead girl? Everything, that's what. All of this eventually funnels to a dead girl. (And it is not only about her. I am somehow right there next to her in all of it)

All these people stalking me, violating me, harassing me, playing all these stupid games, all the cryptic things all over history, the Titor posts, all the associations and institutions, the whole context, all of it leads to a dead girl. The implications and scope of this are far greater than anyone realizes, I assure you. It is indeed all about a dead girl.

It is as if they went through all of that trouble and slowly tortured me as to lead me on a big long trail eventually to rub it in my face that my friend is dead. For all intents and purposes, I have gone through a gauntlet of torturous shit and essentially had my entire life involuntarily exchanged for/spent on a dead girl.

I think I at least deserve the truth, at least. ...So, where the hell is she? What did my life just get spent on?

THAT, my friend, very VERY much offends me, indescribably so. Livid is an understatement.

You see, when we start digging onto all that is about the dead girl,/my beloved friend, it gets pretty intense, probably pretty messy considering the scope and implications. Everyone wants to make it about a dead girl. I think; O.K. let's make it about a dead girl then. Where the fuk is the dead girl? Where is my beloved friend?

Regardless of all this, I would still like to go back and save her life. If the world would let me, if the world would help me, if it is possible, if I can get away with it, I will.

Then again, all things considered, with all of the drama and bullshit, IF I DO go back, I may have to disassociate with the whole situation entirely. That means I would have to stay away and let her die knowing it is possible to save her.

Because of all of these people's games and bullshit, I may not be able to go back. It may have screwed it all up.

I would like to do positive things with time travel, but the world and it's evil ways isn't simply letting me do something good.

THAT offends me more than anything, I suppose.

People really do need to stop with the nonsense and start calling their hands.
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I have been dealing with time traveler/stalkers playing all this psy-ops information shell-game bullshit for a long time. I have been mapping out their networks and associations, watching how information travels, to who and how, who had to facilitate or assist what, institutions, times and places, etc etc etc etc.. I see how it all connects, and how it does so with these sites, and who is involved. It follows me here.

When I could be explaining things, sharing, talking about truths, trying to discern truths, getting into the greater complexities of things and having a good healthy intellectual conversation, (which is difficult enough) I notice I am getting distracted with senseless drama and bullshit, criticisms, etc, from people who follow me around on the net and real life, as if the intent is to distract from truth and understanding. If I complain or defend myself, it is used as an excuse to control what I say, delete my comments or evidence, bury my posts, make it difficult to people to find it, etc.

I see a lot of controlling the conversation at these sites. I see unreasonable excuses to do so. I see what I interpret as people being manipulative and having ulterior motives that are somehow related to all the time traveler stalker people and more. If I didn't know better, I would say that is the real underlying purpose of these sites; to control.

This stalker nonsense, all these games and attempts to control things, is completely fuking everything up. Everything, in a big big BIG way. The simple fact that all these people can mess with me and interfere with 30 years of life, manipulate, violate, and try to control me, but refuse to take an honest forthright reasonable approach to things and include me in the decision making regarding my life and others, is doing enormous damage they likely cannot see.

I am watching the cause/effect of events and circumstances in time loops on a very wide scale perspective, while others see it from the normal perspective according to details of their personal knowledge.

It is very simply this; I am seeing a lot of complex stuff. All the games are preventing me from the truth and reasonable conclusions necessary to make proper informed decisions and sound judgement. I may very well be a time traveler one day, and it is totally fuking up the program.

I see what looks like people taking things that I say or do and changing them to make it out to be something else as well as taking advantage of all the crazy shit I DO put out there, I see information being taken back in time to appear as if I were there (even though I know I won't be there IF I go back), I see people pretending to be witness to what they weren't, I see what looks like things I will left, I see what looks like lives I have/will save, I see what looks like people from the future watching all the games and BS being played and are PISSED OFF about it, I see what looks like a million or more dead as consequence of the smallest things, I see circumstantial evidence of what could very well be my own murder, I see a bunch of anomalies surrounding the death of a friend, I see things that would change the way people perceive history and reality, I see things too soon or too late.

I see a lot of things that I cannot say anything about because it may screw the time loops up, or no one will understand anyway, or it will somehow be stuffed out of sight and therefore out of mind to protect whatever bullshit is really going on.

I see someones know what the hell is really going on, and are using it for nefarious purposes. That is what is aggravating me and turning me into a prick; games and BS instead of truth.

Do you have any idea what it is like to deduce that a set of circumstances indicates your future/past murder, then to go digging through records for your own corpse? Do you know what it is like to approach someone you have never spoken to with a bunch of weird but pertinent questions, only to have them answered before you can ask them if they anticipated it, ...later to be told you are a time traveler?

I have shit to do. And all the games are screwing things up. People need to siriusly cut the shit. NOW. ...RIGHT MUTHER FUKING NOW!!!

I am holding back. I can sit here and type a hundred pages of who where what how when and why, connect a lot of dots and blow a few minds., stir the pot a bit (it would probably be subject to drama and deletion though) I am not going to sit around and be toyed with forever. I am not going to continue to protect what I cannot consider friends and allies if they will not be honest.

When the levee breaks, it won't be pretty.
Whatever is done without having time traveled could produce negative effects in the future.And some of the effects could
be quite large.I believe something like the butterfly affect already happens.Therefore there is no such thing.That is
the way reality can be interpreted.Man if you ate yogurt and loved to eat it.The negative effect on the future could be
quite large.So why worry.


Active Member
So why worry.

3500+ years, 70-100 BILLION affected, all centering on a dead girl and myself.

Find a trail across all of history with your name and your dead wife's name on it, then ask me.


Active Member
So why worry.

3500+ years, 70-100 BILLION affected, all centering on a dead girl and myself.

Find a trail across all of history with your name and your dead wife's name on it, then ask me.

I still call this metaphysical existentialism and the 6 degrees of separation if you want to keep it simple and clear out all the mass confusion out of your mind about that. Everything can and look relative like that in all honesty when it all comes down to it in all honesty really. Anybody and I mean, anybody can come to wake up and realize that about themselves after a while in all honesty really.


Active Member
So why worry.

3500+ years, 70-100 BILLION affected, all centering on a dead girl and myself.

Find a trail across all of history with your name and your dead wife's name on it, then ask me.

I still call this metaphysical existentialism and the 6 degrees of separation if you want to keep it simple and clear out all the mass confusion out of your mind about that. Everything can and look relative like that in all honesty when it all comes down to it in all honesty really. Anybody and I mean, anybody can come to wake up and realize that about themselves after a while in all honesty really.

No. It's a trail. It is physical and circumstantial evidence, and witness testimony. This shit is real. I just haven't shared enough of it and explained it well enough for you to see it. Some of it you will not see because it has to be seen from my personal perspective.

(Go ask the B52's what that song above means. I am curious as to what kind of BS they will come up with.)

But that's not the issue. The issue(among many others) is all the fuking weirdos following me around manipulating, and that my life has been involuntarily spent on a dead girl, who, by all accounts and evidence, is 'supposed' to be my wife.


Active Member
Do you know what this song is about?

I do. It is describing very specific circumstances of my life during a specific time frame, from my personal perspective, as well as specific details of a one of a kind physical object sitting in my lap right now. ...none of which existed when the song was written.

It is essentially saying "When XYZ happens, look at ABC" ...and it definitely means something. WHOA! OMG!

Who else would know that? Who put it there?

See this?;

Screenshot (59).png

It's pointing to the same thing. It is also saying "Look at ABC"

So is this:


It is Ms. Gomez depicting "Alice, when she was 10 feet tall" ...probably trying to stir my memory.

Here is another set of them, although I only shared a few:

Add Leap Years

And this;'s talking about the same thing as this is;

Μαρτυρῶ ἐγὼ παντὶ τῷ ἀκούοντι τοὺς λόγους τῆς προφητείας τοῦ βιβλίου τούτου· ἐάν τις ἐπιθῇ ἐπ’ αὐτά, ἐπιθήσει ὁ Θεὸς ἐπ’ αὐτὸν τὰς πληγὰς τὰς γεγραμμένας ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τούτῳ·

καὶ ἐάν τις ἀφέλῃ ἀπὸ τῶν λόγων τοῦ βιβλίου τῆς προφητείας ταύτης, ἀφελεῖ ὁ Θεὸς τὸ μέρος αὐτοῦ ἀπὸ τοῦ ξύλου τῆς ζωῆς καὶ ἐκ τῆς πόλεως τῆς ἁγίας, τῶν γεγραμμένων ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τούτῳ.

It says Jesus knows what's up, is in on it, and is backing me. Cool.

The Bible is not only my name, it is FULL of things. (Don't get me started there. All hell will break loose)

Go compare "THE SECRET SONG" thread to the Time Travel_0 chat logs and everything I have ever said on this site with the Titor posts. I'll tell you which things are legit and which have been altered, or which is someone else. Nonetheless, you'll see some dots connect.

I can sit here and point them all out at a continuum. It's like it doesn't stop. You don't see the relevance or all the information that can be derived from it, because I haven't presented the missing pieces. It doesn't make sense to you until I do.

And when/if I do, you will naturally think of every possible explanation other than time travel. But the more you look into it, the clearer it becomes. And just about the time you are getting to that point of being undecided, I'll throw a thousand more at you. At some point, it will be crystal clear, by statistical improbability alone, not to mention context and specifics, etc.. It will all line up in absolute perfect order.

It all points to a dead girl and I. All of it. It goes back at least a few thousand years and says that her and I are an integral part of the time line, and that if I don't find her, that 3 to 5 BILLION people(or more) are in really deep shit.

So, ...WHERE. THE. HELL. IS. SHE !!!!!! ...and why are all these people doing all this stuff instead of simply talking to me straight ?!?!?!

The games and BS needs to stop, right now.


Active Member
Let's not bury this thread. Let's address this.

Everyone wants to mess with me and lead me around with a dead girl, so it must mean they have business with me. So why won't they stop all the bullshit? Huh?

I figure it like this; if all these people can play with me and my life like a toy, they can sure as hell show me the basic respect of not bullshitting me. They can produce my beloved friend alive and well. ...or deal with something they don't want to.

Hell, there is some crazy bitch following me around stalking me, pretending to be her. Sorry, I ain't buyin' it.

Should I start connecting all the dots for real? Should I start naming names? What would happen? ...or will someone who knows WTF take the initiative to settle this and cut out the BS first?
