Arrested Illegal Immigrants Are Set Free


Illegal immigrants who are arrested for crimes aren't sent to jail. They are set free in sanctuary cities. So, crime by these people is rewarded and is a good way for them to obtain freedom. This basically means the crime is encouraged. It includes drug lords, rapists, murderers, etc. Everyone. Yet, the liberal democrats still cry racism. It's apparently racist to arrest an illegal immigrant after he committed a crime. In America, it is getting to the point where only whites and asians can be arrested. This is what Trump is trying to fix and horrible people are calling him Hitler for fixing an already racist system.
With the death threats given by liberal democrats and their motive to remove white people from the planet, I feel that the democrats are much more similar to Hitler than Trump.

Miami-Dade mayor orders jails to comply with detention requests after Trump's 'sanctuary city' crackdown

Fortunately, Miami decided to comply to Trump's demands. Let's hope others follow.

Examples of racism.

White male is arrested and thrown in jail for possessing marijuana. (It's not legal in every state, yet).
Illegal immigrant rapes a woman and instead of going to jail, he is sent to sanctuary.

Tell me how this is just, ethical, and even moral?


Senior Member
I'm proud to say Trump will handle the situation, unlike pevious politician types (crooks). I've always thought the government should be run as a business and now it is. Build the wall, send illegal aliens packing, and no more sanctuary cities. This will all work if you threaten to hit them in the pocket talks. My question is why can't the liberals see this?

Shady Tree

Junior Member
l hope Trump builds that wall soo high that they can't figure out a way over it or under it. I am not a racist but I think that when they come here illegally and don't work and cause trouble and have dozens of children each that we have to pay for because they don't believe in birth control, that's where I have issues. I work my butt off every day and it pisses me off to no end that I have my hard earned money stolen from me from government to support these people and their children who don't work and are lazy and expect everything to be handed to them freely. If you come here STOP having soo many children you can't support and get a job and earn your way in legally. There would have been nothing but disaster after disaster if the hag Clinton won the election. I believe Trump will do a good job as president and fix all the problems the others left behind.
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Senior Member
It's a sorry state of affairs when a person has to say "I'm not a racist..." when they're talking about controlling the border of their own country. Mexico has a huge border wall, btw. It's on their southern border.

The U.S.A. accepts about a million people a year into the country through legal immigration, and has been doing so - by about the same number of people - for decades.



Senior Member
To keep illegals out you need prison fence razor wire on top to deter possible terrorists and smugglers.. I'm not mean...they can do the paperwork and come here legally thru a gate.



It's a sorry state of affairs when a person has to say "I'm not a racist..." when they're talking about controlling the border of their own country. Mexico has a huge border wall, btw. It's on their southern border.

The U.S.A. accepts about a million people a year into the country through legal immigration, and has been doing so - by about the same number of people - for decades.


Yes, between Mexico and Guatemala. A Liberal told me today on Twitter that it's a myth. They call facts myths. LOL.


Senior Member
There was a link on FB that used a pic that wasn't the wall in Mexico. The wall is there, but the pic used wasn't it. That left the door open for people to say it's a myth.



Junior Member
None of the suggested solutions will work......ever.....and it matters not who is president.

Until we change our perception it is just more of the same crap with new names.

The same BS problems because we are still trying to fix said problems with the VERY same "thinking" that created these problems to begin with!!!!!!!!

Until we "see" people as "human beings" and NOT as "liberals" or "democrat" or Mexican or white...etc.....nothing will get better......or change.

The fact of the matter is that if you refer to yourself as a "democrat" or a liberal........or any of the other "made up" parties.......then YES....YOU ARE A RACIST!!!!

There is ONLY ONE planet that we ALL live on.......

What's funny is that every single one of YOU are immigrants ALL came from somewhere else through your decendants.........this entire country was founded by people from SPAIN!

The very land you ALL live on in the USA was STOLEN for gods sake!!

If you all did a DNA test you would find you are ALL related to the very people you hate........the people you seem to disagree with so much passion.

You are ALL part Mexican, part Asian......etc...etc.....

Don't believe me?? Do the DNA test........


Senior Member
None of the suggested solutions will work......ever.....and it matters not who is president.

Until we change our perception it is just more of the same crap with new names.

The same BS problems because we are still trying to fix said problems with the VERY same "thinking" that created these problems to begin with!!!!!!!!

Until we "see" people as "human beings" and NOT as "liberals" or "democrat" or Mexican or white...etc.....nothing will get better......or change.

The fact of the matter is that if you refer to yourself as a "democrat" or a liberal........or any of the other "made up" parties.......then YES....YOU ARE A RACIST!!!!

There is ONLY ONE planet that we ALL live on.......

What's funny is that every single one of YOU are immigrants ALL came from somewhere else through your decendants.........this entire country was founded by people from SPAIN!

The very land you ALL live on in the USA was STOLEN for gods sake!!

If you all did a DNA test you would find you are ALL related to the very people you hate........the people you seem to disagree with so much passion.

You are ALL part Mexican, part Asian......etc...etc.....

Don't believe me?? Do the DNA test........
We are talking 'illegal' immigration, not 'legal' immigration. Non of us have a problem if people want to come here legally. My father came to Ellis Island when he was 16 from Norway and was happy to be here.
Out of the crowd coming across our border there may be someone that wants to blow up my family or yours...we need to stop this from happening.
Taking in war torn refugees is fine as long as we have time to check them out or we let in the Trojan Horse, without the horse.
