Chinese Hackers Exposed


Senior Member
I have heard that in future cyber wars would be a common place, what is it .
When you think how dependent we are with makes you wonder how we could survive if it was instantly taken away. Cyber is the use of computer networks so cyber warfare is the destruction, misuse, or fraud that disrupts this system. The power grid, ATM's, water supply, trsnsportstion, defense, and most everything else dependes on communication between computer systems, servers, networks...whatever. In the nutshell, if computers were silenced, no Internet or other means of communications...we would be screwed or let's say very vunerable. So the Chineese can play around with bringing down the system and really cause major problems without taking any shots at us. What a mess...back to pre-computer, pre-electricity, and pre-modern civilization.


Senior Member
I have heard that in future cyber wars would be a common place, what is it .
When you think how dependent we are with makes you wonder how we could survive if it was instantly taken away. Cyber is the use of computer networks so cyber warfare is the destruction, misuse, or fraud that disrupts this system. The power grid, ATM's, water supply, trsnsportstion, defense, and most everything else dependes on communication between computer systems, servers, networks...whatever. In the nutshell, if computers were silenced, no Internet or other means of communications...we would be screwed or let's say very vunerable. So the Chineese can play around with bringing down the system and really cause major problems without taking any shots at us. What a mess...back to pre-computer, pre-electricity, and pre-modern civilization.

I totally agree with you and BlastTyrant...and I do believe the Chinese will take advantage of this situation some day to overtake the USA. Time will tell.


Senior Member
At my work we have been experencing allllllot of outages more than usual, granted the last place you wan't to try and hack is a IT dept, cause odd's are half of them will fire right back.
