Climate change: Six young people take 32 countries to court


Senior Member
Oil companies admit to bribing politicians, so that local laws contradict international law. Then the courts have to apply local laws while at the same time allow suing the politicians who allow oil for personal gain. Before there can be climate justice for the seven million deaths per year, the corrupt politicians must be exposed and replaced.


Oil companies admit to bribing politicians, so that local laws contradict international law. Then the courts have to apply local laws while at the same time allow suing the politicians who allow oil for personal gain. Before there can be climate justice for the seven million deaths per year, the corrupt politicians must be exposed and replaced.
The average was 7 million maybe, but middle of the summer the global estimate was already above 50million cause of the vax. I haven't even checked it recently but it's probably pushing 100 million dead this year already if not a lot more.

But no, not replaced. Eliminated but for good. The system of the politic here is backwards and is designed to make itself corrupt. It needs to go back to it's roots, From the ground up, from the people up > from village to city > cities to country..etc.
Not from a top down global > countries > cities > villages > people system.

Politics works because people gave up their responsibilities and power to others, If people claim that power back, things will return to peace very damn quick.
