Common Sense Conspiracy Welcomes Liberals to the Fold

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
Common Sense Conspiracy is not and will never be a political site. However, for the last eight years, which happens to be the whole time this organization has been in existence, conspiracy theories seemed to be the dominion of people on the conservative side of the political spectrum. This is not for any reason but just the flow of things. When Barack Obama was President, liberals were more likely to think things were going great and conspiracy theories were just nutjobs. Now, power has switched, and the Democrats are the ones constantly pointing their fingers. Is this wrong? Not at all. It’s natural in our system which fools so many people into siding when there is only one side.
Don’t worry, friends. We have forgiven you for dismissing us as tin foil hat fodder for almost a decade. Come on in. Our arms are open and ready to see what you have to bring to the debate.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
