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A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party
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Started by Theodore Talbot, May 29 2014 04:50 PM

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#1 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #1
Theodore Talbot
Posted 29 May 2014 - 04:50 PM
Theodore Talbot
Cell Member


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DOB: I am Young

I am: Chilled

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America is in decline. Our economy is disintegrating, our politicians are controlled, our media is corrupted, and our collapse seems inevitable. Yet this nation was not always in such a deplorable situation. Earlier in our history we were a strong, but just republic. Then, a hidden force slowly started infiltrating our country. It began penetrating all layers of society and consolidating its control over all facets of life. Once this secret power absorbed an organization, it used its newest acquisition to infect other targets until it became master of the entire world. The diabolical foe that threatens humanity is none other than freemasonry.

Freemasonry is not only a great power in the world today, but also the greatest power the world has ever known. This organization is ruthless and will destroy anyone who dares to oppose it. Yet all of its opponents can draw strength from the memory of William Morgan. William Morgan was a mason, but he was also a patriot and he was horrified by what he saw happening inside the lodge. He finally decided to expose the secrets of freemasonry to the world in a book so that all would know of its sinister rituals and terrible oaths. The masons would have none of it and so in 1826 members of the fraternity first kidnapped Morgan and then drowned him in the Niagara River.

Freemasonry thought that it had escaped unharmed and could continue carrying out its conspiracies unopposed, but then a groundswell of animosity rose up against the secret society and its machinations. In death William Morgan was a far greater threat to freemasonry than he ever was while among the living. The martyred truth teller became an inspiration for the masses and they formed the Antimasonic Party, a political party which opposed all secret societies. The Antimasonic Party spread like wildfire and brought freemasonry not only into disrepute, but also the brink of destruction. Alas, the masonic order was more conniving than the average person suspected and so it simply pretended to collapse while the eyes of the nation were focused on it. The general population naively believed that their country's foe was annihilated and public discourse shifted to other matters. It was in the aftermath of the collapse of the first Antimasonic Party that freemasonry secretly began regaining control of society. Through the ignorance of the masses, freemasonry has become not only the master of America, but the entire world.

It has been almost two centuries since Morgan's death and freemasonry has become even more powerful than the murdered whistle-blower could have imagined. The sole solution to the current crisis facing not only America, but also the entire planet is to form a new Antimasonic Party. The average person might laugh at the thought of apron wearing men being a political issue. Let the fool laugh and the scoffer mock, because masonry is not a political issue, but the political issue. This secret order brought untold devastation to Paris in 1789, fired the cannons at Fort Sumter in 1861, plunged Moscow into chaos in 1917, and wreaked havoc in New York City in 2001. The Antimasonic Party is hereby resurrected. The forces of darkness will be stopped and William Morgan shall be avenged, because antimasonry has awakened from its years of slumber in the form of the National Antimasonic Party.

-Theodore Talbot


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#2 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #2
Posted 30 May 2014 - 03:06 AM
Traveling Templar

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Location:Boise, ID
Interests:Christianity - Templary - Freemasonry
DOB: I Still Look Young

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This seems only a call to a life of paranoia, suspicion, hatred, and fear. Freemasonry is not behind the decline in America.

We are not ruthless nor do we "destroy anyone who dares to oppose" us. William Morgan lied his way into the Lodge and York Rite. He was a drunkard and lied about his military service. He horrified by nothing nor was what he wrote about anything new as many books "exposing" Freemasonry already published. There was no precedence to "stop him."

Our rituals and oaths are neither sinister or terrible unless you call integrity, honesty, temperance, charity, moral rectitude, and so many other virtues and principles terrible and sinister.

Freemasonry does not control society nor the "entire world."

This entire post seems like a lot of fascist bluster. You can cry and bitch, but your wants don't override our rights. I have the right to meet with my Brothers and I will not be pushed into some guilt trip by someone who apparently knows very little about Freemasonry.

Quia tu lucerna mea Domine et Domine inluminabis tenebras meas

Traveling Templar - 20SEP2014

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#3 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #3
Posted 30 May 2014 - 05:03 AM

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We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger. ~Tad Williams
DOB: I Still feel Young

I am: At Peace with my soul

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I did my own research and found a few mason rituals that somehow got on the web quite a while ago. I really didn't like what I was reading. The rituals were to me unnerving. That was when I chose not to believe the masons and avoided dating anyone that claimed they belonged. I don't know which rituals I was reading or how high up the ladder these rituals were. As I was reading the rituals I just kept thinking what kind of fools would join this group? It was obvious they didn't do the deep search before joining. I have a few at work that belong and they know how I feel. I just tell them do a little deeper research, or maybe what I found is no longer on the web for all to see. I don't know but it was bad what I read real bad and when I tried to find it again I couldn't so it's possible it's been removed.

Bush further stated in June 1992 to Sarah McClendon the Grandam of the Washington White House Press Corps when she asked Bush what will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran-Contra? George H W Bush Replied: Sarah, If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.

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#4 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #4
Theodore Talbot
Posted 30 May 2014 - 05:22 AM
Theodore Talbot
Cell Member


17 posts
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DOB: I am Young

I am: Chilled

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This seems only a call to a life of paranoia, suspicion, hatred, and fear. Freemasonry is not behind the decline in America.

We are not ruthless nor do we "destroy anyone who dares to oppose" us. William Morgan lied his way into the Lodge and York Rite. He was a drunkard and lied about his military service. He horrified by nothing nor was what he wrote about anything new as many books "exposing" Freemasonry already published. There was no precedence to "stop him."

Our rituals and oaths are neither sinister or terrible unless you call integrity, honesty, temperance, charity, moral rectitude, and so many other virtues and principles terrible and sinister.

Freemasonry does not control society nor the "entire world."

This entire post seems like a lot of fascist bluster. You can cry and bitch, but your wants don't override our rights. I have the right to meet with my Brothers and I will not be pushed into some guilt trip by someone who apparently knows very little about Freemasonry.

I hold no ill will towards any single mason, but I could the order itself to be a grave danger to humanity and thus must be abolished.

You claim that William Morgan did not see any evil in the lodge, but that flatly contradicts the testimony of Samuel D. Greene a fellow member of Lodge 433. He wrote in his autobiography The Broken Seal:

As time went on, Morgan himself did not longer to seek to conceal his purposes, He had been deeply impressed with the danger likely to befall the country through this institution. Twice, at least, he said, in substance, in my presence, that Masonry had been kept a secret quite long enough; that it had become an alarming evil, and it was due to the world that it should be exposed; that if permitted to exist, and go on its way unchecked, it would undermine the Christian religion, and overthrow the government.

-Page 42"&f=false

Samuel D. Greene was informed by a Royal Arch Mason at Lodge 433 "that the [Morgan] book should be suppressed, and their plans carried out [of stopping William Morgan and David C. Miller], even though Morgan and Miller should be lost to society."

-Page 48"&f=false

After William Morgan's death on mason jokingly stated, "Morgan was taken out in a boat, a stone was fastened to him, and the wind blew, and the unfortunate was blown overboard and sunk."

-Page 122 boat"&f=false

There goes your false accusations against William Morgan.

Your claims about the "morality" of masonic oaths are equally laughable. In the aftermath of William Morgan, many masons realized the error of their ways, renounced the order, and published an expose of the masonic degrees titled Light on Masonry.

Light on Masonry included among other things the signs, grips, passwords, and oaths of each degree. In the oath of a Master Mason he states:

Furthermore, do I promise and swear that a Master Mason's secrets, given to me in charge as such, and I knowing them to be such, shall remain as secure as secure and inviolable in my breast as in his own, when communicated to me, murder and treason excepted; and they left to my own election.

-Page 63

The Master Mason finishes his oath with the following declaration:

To all which I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, with a fixed and steady purpose of mind in me, to keep and perform the same, binding myself under no less penalty, than to have my body severed in two in the midst, and divided to the north and the south, my bowels burnt to ashes in the centre and the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven, that there might not the least track or trace of remembrance remain among men or Masons of so vile and perjured a wretch as I should be, were I ever to prove willfully guilty of violating any part of this my solemn or obligation of a Master Mason.

-Page 63 with"&f=false

In other words a Master Mason must keep secret another Master Mason's assaults, burglaries, and other crimes or else have his body severed in two, A former Worshipful Master who saw the error of his ways and left the order explained the absurdity of masonic oaths in a video he did:

Judging by the fact that you refer to yourself as a "Travelling Templar" I assume you are a Knight Templar. Then you are aware that every Knight Templar swears eternal obedience to freemasonry under the penalty of eternal damnation while drinking wine out of a human skull:

This pure wine I now take in testimony of my belief in the mortality of the body and the immortality of the soul, and may this libation appear as a witness against me, both here and hereafter, and as the sins of the world were laid upon the head of the Saviour, so may all the sins committed by the person whose scull this was, be heaped upon my head, in addition to my own, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate or transgress any obligation that I have heretofore taken, take at this time, or shall, at any future period, take in relation to any degree of Masonry, or order of Knighthood.

-Page 164 take"&f=true

As for the last part, you claim my post is merely "fascist bluster" but you do not debunk any of my claims. All you do is engage in Ad Hominem attacks. Likewise, I do not care how you and your friends spend your time as long as it does not adversely affect society, but freemasonry has negatively influenced this country. Why don't you and your buddies do something more productive like learn how to play chess.

That being said I am a reasonable guy and if you can answer the following questions I will admit that I were right.

1. What are the real oaths of freemasonry? Since you claim that the masonic fraternity is such a "noble" organization I would love to know what you are swearing to do in the middle of the night. Don't try the cop out "It's a secret."

2. What really happened to William Morgan? If William Morgan was not actually murdered by the masons why did he suddenly disappear and where did he disappear to?

3. You yourself admit that William Morgan's book was similar to earlier exposes such as Masonry Dissected and Jachin and Boaz. Likewise, you acknowledge that these earlier exposes are authentic accounts of masonic rituals. Does that not mean in conclusion that William Morgan's book is entirely accurate representation of freemasonry including the terrible oaths and obligations?

I eagerly await your response.

Edited by Theodore Talbot, 30 May 2014 - 05:32 AM.

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#5 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #5
Theodore Talbot
Posted 30 May 2014 - 05:31 AM
Theodore Talbot
Cell Member


17 posts
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DOB: I am Young

I am: Chilled

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I did my own research and found a few mason rituals that somehow got on the web quite a while ago. I really didn't like what I was reading. The rituals were to me unnerving. That was when I chose not to believe the masons and avoided dating anyone that claimed they belonged. I don't know which rituals I was reading or how high up the ladder these rituals were. As I was reading the rituals I just kept thinking what kind of fools would join this group? It was obvious they didn't do the deep search before joining. I have a few at work that belong and they know how I feel. I just tell them do a little deeper research, or maybe what I found is no longer on the web for all to see. I don't know but it was bad what I read real bad and when I tried to find it again I couldn't so it's possible it's been removed.

Thank you for reading my article and commenting. I too feel that masons are a great evil. So much so that their order must be suppressed. Feel free to click on my links and please consider joining the National Antimasonic Party. More articles are on the way.

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#6 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #6
Posted 30 May 2014 - 02:26 PM
Lord Conspiritalus


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Personally I think they need to lighten up on the temperance part.... IMHO. lol.

Theodore, I caution you to not let this fall into a mason bashing thread. If it goes below rational conversation, you can take it to the vox box.

<p><span style="font-size:10px;"><strong><span style="font-family:'comic sans ms', cursive;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#006400;">Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. ~ Gordon Gekko</span></span></span></strong></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#0000ff;"><span style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.</span></strong></span></span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#0000ff;"><span style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">~ Thomas Jefferson</span></strong></span></span></span>
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#7 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #7
Theodore Talbot
Posted 30 May 2014 - 04:31 PM
Theodore Talbot
Cell Member


17 posts
Give me some rep
DOB: I am Young

I am: Chilled

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Personally I think they need to lighten up on the temperance part.... IMHO. lol.

Theodore, I caution you to not let this fall into a mason bashing thread. If it goes below rational conversation, you can take it to the vox box.

You claim that I am bashing masons, but I merely oppose their fraternity the same way I would oppose the mafia or any other dangerous organization. Likewise, you claim that this thread is going "below rational conversation" but I clearly provided links to all of my sources. I let people see the evidence and make up their own minds. Seems pretty rational to me.

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#8 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #8
Posted 30 May 2014 - 10:31 PM
Traveling Templar

Elite Member

121 posts
Frude dude
Location:Boise, ID
Interests:Christianity - Templary - Freemasonry
DOB: I Still Look Young

I am: A Jedi Knight

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I did my own research and found a few mason rituals that somehow got on the web quite a while ago. I really didn't like what I was reading. The rituals were to me unnerving. That was when I chose not to believe the masons and avoided dating anyone that claimed they belonged. I don't know which rituals I was reading or how high up the ladder these rituals were. As I was reading the rituals I just kept thinking what kind of fools would join this group? It was obvious they didn't do the deep search before joining. I have a few at work that belong and they know how I feel. I just tell them do a little deeper research, or maybe what I found is no longer on the web for all to see. I don't know but it was bad what I read real bad and when I tried to find it again I couldn't so it's possible it's been removed.

What did these rituals say, if I may ask? I have gone through 60+ ceremonies in Masonry and I have yet to see anything "unnerving".

I did indeed do strong research before joining and I continue to do so.

Quia tu lucerna mea Domine et Domine inluminabis tenebras meas

Traveling Templar - 20SEP2014

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#9 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #9
Posted 30 May 2014 - 11:00 PM
Cylokat, attack!

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Personally I think they need to lighten up on the temperance part.... IMHO. lol.

Theodore, I caution you to not let this fall into a mason bashing thread. If it goes below rational conversation, you can take it to the vox box.

You claim that I am bashing masons, but I merely oppose their fraternity the same way I would oppose the mafia or any other dangerous organization. Likewise, you claim that this thread is going "below rational conversation" but I clearly provided links to all of my sources. I let people see the evidence and make up their own minds. Seems pretty rational to me.

No, he said neither of those things. He said 'IF'... In essence.
<p><span style="color:#b22222;"><span style="font-family:'comic sans ms';"><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Let the thyit thpatter were it may.</strong></span></span></span></p>
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#10 A Call To Action: The Founding Of The National Antimasonic Party: post #10
Posted 30 May 2014 - 11:03 PM
Traveling Templar

Elite Member

121 posts
Frude dude
Location:Boise, ID
Interests:Christianity - Templary - Freemasonry
DOB: I Still Look Young

I am: A Jedi Knight

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I hold no ill will towards any single mason, but I could the order itself to be a grave danger to humanity and thus must be abolished.

You claim that William Morgan did not see any evil in the lodge, but that flatly contradicts the testimony of Samuel D. Greene a fellow member of Lodge 433. He wrote in his autobiography The Broken Seal:

As time went on, Morgan himself did not longer to seek to conceal his purposes, He had been deeply impressed with the danger likely to befall the country through this institution. Twice, at least, he said, in substance, in my presence, that Masonry had been kept a secret quite long enough; that it had become an alarming evil, and it was due to the world that it should be exposed; that if permitted to exist, and go on its way unchecked, it would undermine the Christian religion, and overthrow the government.

-Page 42"&f=false

Samuel D. Greene was informed by a Royal Arch Mason at Lodge 433 "that the [Morgan] book should be suppressed, and their plans carried out [of stopping William Morgan and David C. Miller], even though Morgan and Miller should be lost to society."

-Page 48"&f=false

After William Morgan's death on mason jokingly stated, "Morgan was taken out in a boat, a stone was fastened to him, and the wind blew, and the unfortunate was blown overboard and sunk."

-Page 122 boat"&f=false

There goes your false accusations against William Morgan.

Your claims about the "morality" of masonic oaths are equally laughable. In the aftermath of William Morgan, many masons realized the error of their ways, renounced the order, and published an expose of the masonic degrees titled Light on Masonry.

Light on Masonry included among other things the signs, grips, passwords, and oaths of each degree. In the oath of a Master Mason he states:

Furthermore, do I promise and swear that a Master Mason's secrets, given to me in charge as such, and I knowing them to be such, shall remain as secure as secure and inviolable in my breast as in his own, when communicated to me, murder and treason excepted; and they left to my own election.

-Page 63

The Master Mason finishes his oath with the following declaration:

To all which I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, with a fixed and steady purpose of mind in me, to keep and perform the same, binding myself under no less penalty, than to have my body severed in two in the midst, and divided to the north and the south, my bowels burnt to ashes in the centre and the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven, that there might not the least track or trace of remembrance remain among men or Masons of so vile and perjured a wretch as I should be, were I ever to prove willfully guilty of violating any part of this my solemn or obligation of a Master Mason.

-Page 63 with"&f=false

In other words a Master Mason must keep secret another Master Mason's assaults, burglaries, and other crimes or else have his body severed in two, A former Worshipful Master who saw the error of his ways and left the order explained the absurdity of masonic oaths in a video he did:

Judging by the fact that you refer to yourself as a "Travelling Templar" I assume you are a Knight Templar. Then you are aware that every Knight Templar swears eternal obedience to freemasonry under the penalty of eternal damnation while drinking wine out of a human skull:

This pure wine I now take in testimony of my belief in the mortality of the body and the immortality of the soul, and may this libation appear as a witness against me, both here and hereafter, and as the sins of the world were laid upon the head of the Saviour, so may all the sins committed by the person whose scull this was, be heaped upon my head, in addition to my own, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate or transgress any obligation that I have heretofore taken, take at this time, or shall, at any future period, take in relation to any degree of Masonry, or order of Knighthood.

-Page 164 take"&f=true

As for the last part, you claim my post is merely "fascist bluster" but you do not debunk any of my claims. All you do is engage in Ad Hominem attacks. Likewise, I do not care how you and your friends spend your time as long as it does not adversely affect society, but freemasonry has negatively influenced this country. Why don't you and your buddies do something more productive like learn how to play chess.

That being said I am a reasonable guy and if you can answer the following questions I will admit that I were right.

1. What are the real oaths of freemasonry? Since you claim that the masonic fraternity is such a "noble" organization I would love to know what you are swearing to do in the middle of the night. Don't try the cop out "It's a secret."

2. What really happened to William Morgan? If William Morgan was not actually murdered by the masons why did he suddenly disappear and where did he disappear to?

3. You yourself admit that William Morgan's book was similar to earlier exposes such as Masonry Dissected and Jachin and Boaz. Likewise, you acknowledge that these earlier exposes are authentic accounts of masonic rituals. Does that not mean in conclusion that William Morgan's book is entirely accurate representation of freemasonry including the terrible oaths and obligations?

I eagerly await your response.

The Fraternity is no danger and necessity is the cry of the tyrant.

William Morgan could have found something wrong in his opinion, but he was a charlatan and a drunkard. I have joined more groups and gone farther than William Morgan ever went and I have found no evil. Plus, what you have posted is what is known as hearsay. There is no way to corroborate it.

There's nothing immoral about our obligations either. Many left because they were harassed or intimidated. Some left because of the smear campaign hosted by anti-Masons. No only one man wrote "Light on Masonry." Some of these "exposes" make me skeptical because some of them are clearly not correct. Plus, what you post I find nothing wrong with. The obligations of Masonry ask for a Mason to keep to his word. I know, I know, in today's society honesty, integrity, and fidelity are alien to most. Plus, by your own post Masons don't have to keep the secrets if he elects to. In my jurisdiction we talk about "worthy" Brothers and I would find someone who has committed crimes to be unworthy and in violation of the Charges. Everyone forgets the Charges as they are just as applicable as our obligations.

1) I'm not going to spend 2-hours on one video. 2) The interpretations of one man as to the Christian compatibility is not my care. I don't let other men define my faith with God...and yes, I am Christian. 3) I find it funny that he found promising to do and not to do certain things wrong. The hypocrisy and intolerance of some "christians" annoys me.

I am a Past Commander of a Commandery of Knights Templar. And that vow you posted is not the same vow I took as a Knight nor is it the one found in the ritualistic monitor of the Templar Order. Again though I find nothing wrong with your version of the vow. The Order of the Temple is one of the most personal and best experiences I've had in Masonry.

How can you prove a negative? I can't debunk what doesn't exist. There is no danger. Simply keeping secrets and being private is not a danger or indicative of deviance. There's nothing inherently wrong or un-Christian with secrecy or privacy.

It is fascist bluster though as you seek to deprive me of my right to freely assemble with whom I want and in what manner I want. You can ban Freemasonry and criminalize us, that won't stop me from meeting whom I seek as I have a right.

You seem to be under the impression that Freemasonry takes up our lives. I do play chess. I also play golf, frisbee golf, read, write, bike, hike, hunt, fish, skydive, swim, draw, and the list goes on.

1. The real oaths are really called obligations and those are considered secret by the order, and I promised to keep my word. We don't just meet in the evening, we meet at all hours of the day, depending on the Lodge or body of Masonry. Plus, what we do is our business, not yours. We are entitled to our privacy as much as you are so I don't get why people feel they should know what everyone else is doing at all times.

2. He disappeared. That is all that can be said or proven. At minimum he fled to Canada, at worst it was a bunch of rogue Masons who violated their oaths if they did in fact kill him.

3. People claim to expose us all the time. His book was similar to other exposes, but to say they are accurate depictions of the Lodge or Masonry in general is a far stretch.

You seem really close minded and in fact this party of yours is one of religious fundamentalism, a far greater danger to the world, and based on ignorance and intolerance.

Quia tu lucerna mea Domine et Domine inluminabis tenebras meas

Traveling Templar - 20SEP2014

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