Schematic Delta Time Generator


Senior Member
Hi everybody...I hope to make a small contribution here by explaining a simple to make device called, The Delta Time Generator..(DTG)...It is a very small hand held device produced by the electronics genius, Preston Nichols....its built around the big bang theory, whereby as its believed that our universe was opened by an acoustic wave of circa 430Mhz....The thinking is that if there were other universes around, then they too would open to other frequencies...A small oscillator is produced using a very special old Quantum Tunneling Transistor called, a Surface Barrier Transistor (SBT)..You will see a reference to this semiconductor in the Montauk Revisited Book pages 129 to 131...


The most intricate part of this device is a miniature Tesla Coil which is nothing like the types that you will have encountered before...The DTG runs off a standard PP3 9volt battery and the whole device is very inexpensive to build...The SBT that is used can be obtained cheaply from the, transistormuseum in the US....At this point i would urge you to consider 2 VHS tapes that were produced in 1993 called, The Philadelphia Experiment and The Delta Time Generator Part 1 and 2..The first tape is produced by Al Bielek and covers indepth how that experiment was achieved....The second tape is Al Bielek with Preston Nichols going through the math of time travel, and The Delta Time Generator (DTG)...Both tapes are excellent, inexpensive and they can be obtained from Sky Books in the US...The editor Peter Moon is a very interesting and warm person to deal with and is a personal friend of Preston Nichols...

I have had my DTG for 10 years now and iam always amazed of the subtle results from it..I suppose you could call it an inter-dimensional device, on the quantum level...Thank you for reading this post..
Kind Regards


I never heard of that device before. I think it's an interesting device, especially since you're saying it's quite simple to build.

Can you tell us more about the effects you're able to get with it? What kind of results are you able to achieve?

Thanks :)


Senior Member
I never heard of that device before. I think it's an interesting device, especially since you're saying it's quite simple to build.

Can you tell us more about the effects you're able to get with it? What kind of results are you able to achieve?

Thanks :)
I never heard of that device before. I think it's an interesting device, especially since you're saying it's quite simple to build.

Can you tell us more about the effects you're able to get with it? What kind of results are you able to achieve?

Thanks :)
Hi...Let me start by telling you the reason Preston Nichols designed his DTG..He belives that there is bad "intereference" from other dimensions that have somehow encroached onto this dimension of ours..When the device is switched on it gets rid of the interference, sort of like an inter-dimensional exorcism..
To date i cant say that i have been subject to this form of interference, however when my DTG is switched on there are subtle sensations of experiencing a past time of mine and others which i can only put down to as possibilities of future events which are yet to occur..
Unfortunately i dont know of anyone else who has built a DTG so that i can share their experiences with..hence my posting on Paranormalis
Kind Regards


It appears that Nichols was involved in the Montauk project.

Could you share with us some experiences you've had with the device?


Senior Member
It appears that Nichols was involved in the Montauk project.

Could you share with us some experiences you've had with the device?[
Hi..Thanks for the question, but i already have described my experiences in a previous posting
and yes preston nichols was involved in the montauk the book of that title..
Kind Regards


@TimeFlipper Do you have schematics of that device? If so, can you post them? We're gonna update your post and make it our reference for the Delta Time Generator.



Senior Member
Cool..If anybody wants to know more about the delta time generator, please send me a private message, or use this thread :)
For example...the transistor is called a Surface Barrier transistor (semiconductor) and it can be obtained from transistormuseum, costing only a few bucks :)

The miniature Tesla coil is actually 4 individual coils wound together, and each one joined by a single wire..
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