Downton Abbey Fans: Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey


Senior Member
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If you're a Downton Abbey fan, be sure to read the newly published book, Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey. This is the story that Downton Abbey is based on. It's the true story of Lady Almina, the 5th Countess of Carnarvon and what really went on at Highclere Castle, which in the TV Series is called Downton Abbey. I'm just finishing the book now. It's a fantastic read! I highly recommend it.

You can also go to your Local Public Library and request a copy. If they don't have it, they will get it! :)

Lady Almina.jpg


Senior Member
Here are some QUIZZES for Downton Abbey Fans!

MASTERPIECE Downton Abbey Personality Quiz
As the seasoned Downton Abbey viewer knows, each character has his or her own... um... memorable traits. So, which character are you? Answer the questions at the link below to find your match. You might be surprised!

Downton Abbey: which character are you?
Find out if you would be upstairs or downstairs in ITV's period drama with our quiz.

Which Downton Abbey Couple Are You?
You've rooted for them, ached for them, and celebrated with them. Now find out which Downton Abbey couple is most like you and your sweetie! Take the quiz to find out.

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