dreams and other dimensions. thoughts?

gizi agresta

New Member
I tend to best remember dreams coming out of the last part of the sleep cycle but last night I had a very vivid dream and awoke very suddenly and in a sharper, more cognitive state than I usually do (especially when I wake at night).

The dream involved traversing through a facility that was in the process of making contact with beings from another dimension or perhaps interstellar beings - it wasn't clear. Either way the issue was humans lacking the appropriate senses to see or interact with these beings so they needed to create a misty veil (primarily made of light) in order to appear remotely tangible to us. Even with that it was hard to see or understand what form they took except as vague patterns through a bright light with purplish and grey hues. As I walked around the facility, I remember having feelings of panic and hearing that the beings might be hostile due to a misunderstanding or a inherit malicious nature. I don't remember much about the facility itself except a long hallway with florescent lights, a partially destroyed hangar, and a large room, possibly a lab, that felt claustrophobic due the veil.
Immediately when I woke up I was convinced it was November until I looked at my phone.

Does that imagery resonate with anyone? Either way I wanted to get it down on the off chance it meant something more because it was so unusual.
