Energy for time travel


Senior Member
This site is kinda silly. All physicists claim the energy necessary for time travel is almost infinite.
The only hope you have is converting EM to artificial gravity and even then you need extreme power.

All other ideas shouldn't work unless there's extreme mistakes in physics. Does the hdr, john titor device and others mentioned on this site function due to that? Is there another source of extreme energy that's been as yet ignored in ordinary materials and their EM fields?

Thoughts, comments.
(spare me the skepticism about titor and gibbs, thanks)


Time Travel Professor
I'm not trying to be funny here: If you are fortunate enough to have two Modern Physics book or equivalent from the year 2300 and 2017. You would probably laugh your head off because of all the dumb comments and not-true statements found in the ancient book "Modern Physics" copyright 2017.

When you start thinking outside the box, you will make your advances in future science a reality.

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