Even the Pope Has Given Up on God? Call for Action on Climate Change?


Think outside the mind
In what can only be labeled as unorthodox, Pope Francis is set to give a special address today on the state of the world with climate change being foremost on the agenda. That’s right, the Pope, of all people, is about to urge people to change their ways and save the Earth from the evils of modern society. That’s the story. Now Common Sense Conspiracy will examine this from many different angle so buckle up your seatbelts and get ready for the ride.
First things first, this probably will leave many Catholics and general Christians alike scratching their heads. After all, the seriously religious tend to be less likely to believe in man-made climate change, and even less likely to think that anything short of an act of God can destroy the Earth or make it uninhabitable for humanity. After all, if you believe there is an omniscient being looking over things, then it’s hard to believe that humanity could just go kaput from environmental factors before all of the prophecies in the Bible come to pass. Basically, it’s like saying that everything in the Bible is coming in the future, unless of course we destroy the Earth before God’s timetable. Even the hardiest Saturday-night partying Christians probably view this as a no-go. So, having the Pope, who is supposedly the closest thing on this Earth to Jesus Christ, tell us that we are upsetting God’s apple cart has got to be a little disturbing. It’s just one of those things you don’t expect the Pope to say. At the end of the day, the Pope isn’t supposed to do anything to suggest that maybe God doesn’t have total power, and perhaps we do hold some cards in the fate of humanity. So, that’s your religious slant on this. It’s provocative at the very least.
Now, politically, Democrats and atheists (an atheist is probably a Democrat, but a Democrat isn’t necessarily an atheist) are about to crap all over themselves with sheer delight that the Pope is doing this for all of the reasons above and more. For them, it is the ultimate mutiny for the Republican Party and Tea Party and whatever other iterations and whatever they might call themselves. They know what an uproar this will be for religious conservatives, and Democrats desperately need something to harp on in the election year coming up since the Supreme Court will most likely take their beating of the gay marriage horse off the table once and for all. So, from political points of view, this will make conservatives’ heads explode and make every Democrat smile with delight.
We know you are waiting for it. Last but most definitely not least is the conspiracy perspective, the one that is far and away our specialty. People in the conspiracy circles are standing back and looking at the big picture and realizing that as usual, nobody wins. See, regardless of how you might personally feel about religion, many people have long recognized that the elimination of religion is a major tenet in the plan for a New World Order, no matter what kind of shadowy organization you might believe is in charge. This is a major score for them. The Pope coming forward and supporting something like this is not just a win for Democrats, but a win for a one-world government. The radicalization of the Pope is just one more step on the way to the kind of totalitarian domination that the powers-that-be have long sought and firmly believe will make the world a better place.
What do you think? Does the Pope’s latest stance bother you? Excite you? Or is it just another “I told you so” on your list?

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Junior Member
Science, regardless of the fallacy of the logic behind the theory, is not a topic for the Pope to speak about. This is analogous to the Human Resources Manager trying to talk to customers about the planned network upgrades in the Network Operations Center. Not only is the speaker the wrong person for the job, the audience doesn't care!


Senior Member
There are a lot of things that are weird about this Catholic Jesuit pope. For instance:

Pope Francis described as "dangerous" the temptation to believe that one can have "a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church."
Church is essential for faith; there are no 'free agents,' pope says | National Catholic Reporter


Pope Francis said on Wednesday that it may be acceptable or even "morally necessary" for married couples to split up if they are at war with each other.
Pope says it can be 'morally necessary' for couples to split - Telegraph

So much for faith and perseverance. :rolleyes:


Junior Member
There are a lot of things that are weird about this Catholic Jesuit pope. For instance:

Pope Francis described as "dangerous" the temptation to believe that one can have "a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church."
Church is essential for faith; there are no 'free agents,' pope says | National Catholic Reporter


Pope Francis said on Wednesday that it may be acceptable or even "morally necessary" for married couples to split up if they are at war with each other.
Pope says it can be 'morally necessary' for couples to split - Telegraph

So much for faith and perseverance. :rolleyes:
I sort of agree with the Pope. It's like saying "I'm a gamer" when all you do is play CoD or Candy Crush Saga on your phone. Or when you say "I love zombies" but you've only ever seen them on The Walking Dead. A true gamer will have a custom liquid cooled PC with neon shining through every orifice and a Steam account full of games they never play because they blew their entire paycheck at the last few sales. A true zombie fan would have seen every zombie flick and TV show going back to White Zombie (which is a REALLY awesome movie, BTW). What the Pope's saying is that to be a true Christian, you need total immersion.

On the flip side, what the Pope is saying is essentially, "So you think you're a gamer just because you play CoD? You're not a gamer! You're just a noob."
