Debate Extra terrestrials, Extra Dimensionals and others


Junior Member
My researches suggest there are more than one faction vying for control of the planet, some have more of a hold than others, and more influence.
The three factions are
1 the extra terrestrials who in turn are split into sub factions Nordics sometimes called pleiadians, the free greys (evil little buggers once a genetically engineered slave race who now act independently), the servile greys (a taller variation on the above who serve one or more of the other races) the large greens (so called lizard people) and the small greens (rare these days but common about 50-100 years ago possibly a variation on the greys) and the radioactive humanoids (dark haired, wear plastic "space suits" and invariably cause radiation poisoning in those with whom they come into contact)
2 the extra dimensionals contactees from another time line or dimension, basically humanoid but not like us at all, possibly an alternate evolutionary path for another animal. Technically advanced but hostile, they have trade agreements with especially the US government and have established bases here. However on the odd occasions they have been found accidentally they react with extreme violence I have heard of several cases of them massacring people wholesale leaving terribly mutilated bodies, but only twice have survivors been found who had comparable injuries these men are the only source of information on the EDs.
3 (for want of a better term) Agarthans a divergent evolutionary variation on us, they live underground with various entrances to their world (I am NOT claiming any credence for "Hollow earth" theory here only subterranean peoples) these 'people' have been manipulating our societies for at least 150 years trying to stop us from destroying 'their' world. Secretive and manipulative almost all we know about them comes from them and has been proven to be false.

What are your conclusions?

Snake Plissken

I believe..
You’re not far off.
There are many factions interested in control and domination of this planet including human factions - the majority of humankind are merely sheep, eating grass and blissfully unaware.


Junior Member
You’re not far off.
There are many factions interested in control and domination of this planet including human factions - the majority of humankind are merely sheep, eating grass and blissfully unaware.
Yeah I was not saying this a comprehensive list, just a concise summation of the main non human interference factions


Senior Member
Pretty good coverage, they all have slightly differing agendas due to what they need from the planet and humans.

I still see it in a way of two opposing forces struggling for the upper hand , even though there are more than two.

The direct manipulation behind the scenes of governments by certain ones, yet the masses get whipped up
by whats going on in the streets. Blind

There as you stated more, some that view the planet and actually land. The ones whom think they are in the struggle for control,
cant do anything about these other visitors. For all we know they could be inter galactic peaceful observers.

Be interesting to hear other views.
