Extraterrestrials: China releases Moon footage of alien bases


Time Travel Professor
This video will answer many questions similar to John Titor’s comments and the way the world is now almost 16 years after Phil’s death. When it comes to New World Order, FEMA Camps, and he also speaks regarding the moon picture above: The keywords to look for in the video (element 140) then you'll have your answer about the moon.

The Link: Phil Schneider’s last Lecture - November 1995. (The link is one hour and ten minutes long)

Phil Schneider - November 1995 Lecture


Time Travel Professor
Mungo Dipstic I bet your right. No tracks or footprint in Phil Schneider’s last Lecture - November 1995, just plan old information that is all you will found. Good Luck searching for you tracks or footprint on the moon or other planets. I really hope you find them and please post your findings here in this forum.

mungo dipstic

New Member
I most certainly will. Thanks for answering. It's just like the people (researchers) of the ufo phenomena, who are forever waiting for their
various Gov's 'word', that ufo's are real! It's been 60-70 years or so ----------------- I have said " why wait any longer? We all know, that
Gov's lie, don't we? How do we know that 'they' aren't STILL lying, if they were to say that ufo's, (flying saucers) ARE real?" All I can say, is;
Get on with the next step -------------------- whatever that is! LEAVE THE GOV'S OUT OF IT! Inc. (NASA)!
Mind you, that would hurt the conspiracy theorists, wouldn't it?


New Member
I see exactly what the Chinese claim. It's fuzzy and hard to make out and the more I look at it the fuzzier and less distinct...

...nothing there. rofl


good find but as always not much to run with hopefully the Chinese will realy show some live footage from a maned trip soon. I have my doubts thow. going to the moon aint quite like a trip to the corner market. .....just for the record I don't think we went in the sixtys either:D
