Fact Behind Fantasy?

I have often pondered on the notion that was there, at one time, something "real" that finally ended up as "fantasy", 'myth", ssuperstition", "folklore", etc. Take for instance, events thhat take place in nature, such as lighting striking an object, let's say for argumment's sake, a castle wall. One might assume , in this day and time, a normal naturaal occurance but let's look at it several thousand years ago when the "gods" had "tools" or "weapons", like Zeus with "his lighting bolts", proving a point to the ruler behind the walls... it semed what was beyond man's ability to understand or "correctly explain", based what we now call science, well an evil/good, creature with a point to prove ;demon, angels, etc., got the credit or the blame or both. There ws a medical condition,catalepsy, that would render the body apparently lacking all signs of life but still alive and since this particular condition came around before medicine as we know it today, folks just got buried alive. So try to put yourself in the place of a "superstitious, peasant", who passing by the local cemetery seess ambulating about the body of a supposedlly "dead man" buried only recently, this is assuming the poor fellow didn't run out of air or was not sealed within a stout wooden coffin that might be hard to punch your way out of but simply dumped in a hole, dirt placed over him, he comes to, finds himself "buried alive" and has no desire to remain there. Hence, the "undead" are loose in the graveyard.Wonder how the srories behind vampire, werewloves, other kinds of "undead" got started? Just something to ponder over.


Senior Member
I have always believed for every Myth or legend there is some form of truth behind it, people just didn't come up with things like we do now it was more based on facts rather then like it is now where people will hoax just for there 5 minutes of fame. There are plenty of legends like bigfoot/sasquatch/yeti/skunk ape or w/e you wanna call him that are global and during the time there was no way of one civilization knowing another one had seen the same thing.


I to have always believed that there was a basic fact behind every myth and legend. however learning the fact from the myth is the hard part. learning the fact from the legend is also the scary part. how spooky would it be to learn that at one point in the past we realy did share this mudball with the likes of minotaur, or a centaur , or even a griffin, maybe a real fire breathing dragon the size of a 3 story building.


Active Member
I think if you read into the factual history on most of these legends you'll find that drugs play a big role. The other option is subjugation. Without fanning too many flames. Certain religions and dictators used stories like these to make their people conform. But, you have to be willing to look past the faith and belief of religions and deal with pure fact to see this. I'm not sure about Yeti and some others.. but Vampires are derived from Vlad Tepest Dracul. The famous Romanian Prince that killed the shit out of Sulemeins armies. I've been to Romania, and these people worship this guy as an idol. And he truly was a hero. He was on the border of the Ottoman(Muslim) territories and the Christian empires of Europe. The dracula stories seem to originate from a wood carving of him having dinner with the spiked remains of tens of thousands of Ottoman Turks impaled behind him. The stories ran wild after this and then the stories changed from him having dinner to him eating the body and partaking of the blood of his victims. And also partially because of his unheard of victories over the Turks. He took armies into battle sometimes being outnumbered by odds up to 4 to 1 and devastated them. One victory he impaled over 10K Turks, another the story says he impaled 50K after the battle. Legend says if he liked you, you got the pointy end up the pooper when they impaled you. If he didn't like you, you got the rounded end that was meant to be drove into the ground. Another story claims that at one point, Sulemein sent an envoy to discuss terms with Vlad. This envoy wore their traditional garb which included their turbans. Vlad ordered them to remove their head coverings, and they refused due to religious reasons. So, Vlad said if they didn't want to remove them, that they should never take them off anywhere, and so he had their turbans nailed to their heads. BUT.. I think the most amazing story that lead into his mythical persona.. was the Christian rulers didn't want to help. they were busy with the crusades, and fighting each other and who knows what else. They decided to leave him out there on his own. So to prove to these European dynasties that he was serious about killing the Turks, he killed 24,000 Ottomans and cut off their noses and divided them up into bags and delivered them to these other rulers.

So there you have it.. what I know of the beginnings of the vampire legends.


Active Member
Also, certain Mediterrainean cultures had the human/ animal hybrids. Think Stargate and the Egyptians. Some South/Central American cultures did the same. Its another one of those, Gee Whiz things that makes you wonder how so many civilizations around the world came up with the same concepts. But I personally believe that these just came out of primitive people's pure awe for nature and it's creatures that they felt there was no way other than the fact that these had to be their creators watching over them. Or in the Minoans case, creating a legend of a half man, half bull that killed you in the labrynth if you got out of line. Which when I think logically on the minitaur, all I can think of is some mentally retarded giant person that they put a bull head on them and let them get angry and kill people that angered the King.

I've read lots of books on the histories of religions, false histories of our past and things like this.. But this tv show Ancien Aliens really has me thinking now about the history of Angels. How did the first Angels go from reality to fantasy(well for an Atheist, fantasy. For Xians, reality)?


there are some ancient text found at this site
The Lost Books of the Bible - The Hidden Truths
that speak of a time when the so called fallen angle's came down to earth and taught the mystery's of GOD to men and in so doing they did in theory create creature's like the minotaur and such. I believe the book is either one called (Jasher) or most likely it was the book of (Enoch) but it is still kinda vague on it all safe to say that the mixing of the flesh of animals and men was frouned apon by GOD and for that reason he flooded the earth to cleanse it of all the corupted beings both man and beast. hence the saveing of Noah was not because of anything other than he had not been part of the genitic altering as was the rest of the known world at the time .....or so the story goes

as to the angles the book of Enoch goes into the whole ordeal of the angelic rebbelion and how they were punished for there act's against GOD.. and how they (the angles) recruited Enoch to pray for them so GOD would not be so harsh on them....It did not work...

anywho if you are interested in this sort of stuff there is a treasure of info on all the stuff good ole King James left out of the BIBLE and as you read through it you will discover that if the common man got hold of this it would totaly destroy the strangle hold the church has on the people.......


Active Member
A really good site that I have gotten info from for years is.. www.sacred-texts.org Nothing in there is conjecture. It's all actual documents compiled from different religious sources or written by authors. Well, I guess that still means it could be conjecture, but still.. it's not a forum area for people like us to compile theories, strictrly documents/ books uploaded.


Senior Member
I saw a person on cnn say:

In the 23 years, 4 months, and 7 days I've been alive I've never been attacked by a shark, I guess all the people who claim they were made it all up because it hasn't happened to me, so it doesn't ever happen. Get real.

Funny, I did see a pod of dolphins come on shore years ago. There were a lot of swimmers in sea. Well, they ran away screaming. I stayed in the water and played with the dolphins, it was a magical moment for me.
