FALSE FLAG ALERT: North Korea Situation May Be a Classic Setup For An Operation

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
Here at Common Sense Conspiracy, talking about the possibility that an event was a false flag operation after the fact is pretty much standard operating procedure. In this case, we just want to do it in reverse.

Now, we’re not publicly saying that there is going to be a false flag operation that ignites a war scenario between the United States and North Korea. We’re just saying that it does look like a classic setup. Let’s say it like this. Let’s go meteorological. It’s like a tornado watch. Conditions are favorable for a false flag operation. A lot of indicators point that something like that could happen. It’s like when they change the terror colors. Doesn’t mean it’s a sure thing, but it means there is at least some reason to speculate.


Is he really that crazy?

The buildup between the young Donald Trump administration and North Korea is slowly escalating. It actually has been going on for years, but you can tell that there is some reason this is coming to a head now. And for those that think that’s all Trump, stop it right now. Hillary Clinton would have been just as aggressive (if not more so) than Trump on this matter. It’s not about who the President is. It’s about those magical men behind the scenes who have decided that now is the time.

So, you have the classic setup. Nobody is real excited about going to war with North Korea. It is a given that thousands of South Koreans will perish. That is almost unavoidable. There is the possibility that China and Russia might actually align with North Korea and plunge us into a real World War 3 scenario. So, right now, it doesn’t look all that attractive to anyone to try to take Kim out. But that drum is beating. Every few days, North Korea does something to provoke, and the media shows us their progression. The same people that told you last year that it may be decades before North Korea actually creates a usable nuclear weapon now say they may already have twenty (these so-called experts are so contradictory that they literally probably can’t remember what they said last week). But still, why would anyone really say that this is the time to pull the trigger?

We’ll tell you. There are two ways the war could ignite right now. One is if North Korea’s leader is actually so crazy and has such a death wish that he would take one of his newly-minted intercontinental missiles and throw a massive explosion in Alaska, Hawaii, or maybe even Seattle. Alaska seems the most likely. He could detonate a missile in the middle of Alaska’s sparsely populated regions and say “Look, I told you I could do it.” That would probably be enough for Trump to go get him. But then, wouldn’t it be just as easy for the United States to drop a warhead in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness and say it was Kim? See, that scenario doesn’t require anyone to be crazy or to have a death wish. It just requires someone to be sinister and be pulling the strings. In some ways, it would be one of the friendliest false flag operations ever, because no one would have to die for the fire to be stoked.

Is it likely? Who knows? Do we really think that the United States is about to firebomb Alaska to heave us into an all-out conflict with North Korea? No, not really. But you have to admit it isn’t the craziest idea you’ve ever heard. If you are the type of person that believes in Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 being government operations, then this is probably small potatoes to you. This is not even that grand. If you’re the type of person that believes the government would never do anything like that, ask yourself why? Because you believe they value American lives? Maybe, but this doesn’t even require them.

Only time will tell, but we are just putting it out there. Most likely nothing of the sort will happen, but if it does, well, I guess you heard it here first.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
